Nice, suitably piratical and vibrant colours on the two humans. I like them both very much, but I think the striped trousers guy is my favourite. Do you plan to add some sort of glyph or symbol to his hat and the round badge on the beardy guy?
Yes that is on the to-do list just need to figure out what.
And yea, striped one is my favorite as well. Tried to do it on the other ones shirt but messed up. Maybe next pirate will get similar treatment
Look nice! The colours fit really well , I just miss a bit more "details" on the base , some rocs...more winter grass here and there , and iced part....
Ah, but this is why i am posting in WIP section. Base is not finished, hopefully it will become a swamp.
Threw together a quick test mini of with the sort of base I envisioned. (Skeleton need repaint)
I actually went ahead and bought a new mini. Wanted to see what this reaper bones is about
Quality seem better than I expected and the miniature is really cheap. Need to straighten out her legs though
Finally got around to painting a bit again.
This one I recently bought from eBay. Gave it a quick and simple paintjob. I imagine he will be an officer of the arbites to me