Thank you! Well, of course the Hasslefree sculpt is quite different to the others; I considered sculpting some cloak, cap or anything to make him more lookalike to the others, but I finally let it be.
I've got another dungeon dweller, Hasslefree again. I was looking for some Chaos Warriors to provide some company to my HQ ones. I saw this one and fell in love. I first tried some colour on. Nothing too risky, classic red:
Buuuut... Honestly, I didn't see it. This is my nemesis, one of those things you see other people achieve gorgeously, but each time I try, I fail. Miserably. I simply cannot make colours work on this kind of armour.
Then I tried a totally different approach. Brass!
Not any wonder, but at least this allows me to sleep
. ... chaos.html
I'm aware there's quite a difference between this sculpt and the original HeroQuest Chaos Warriors, but nevertheless I hope it can work. When I get my Pantheon of Chaos Warriors I'll get another chance to try colours again...