Thanks, Diego!
As promised, here you have my AAR. Can't remember when I last played this game, but I guess it was about mid 90's, some of the expansions. Anyway, I was so eager to play this again! :
Doesn't look that impressive so fat, I know, know
. Just give me some minutes...
We tried the first scenario in the booklet,
The Trial. he adventurers must explore the dungeon and eventually get to kill the Gargoyle.
As the rules are reeeally easy, I didn't have any problem catching them up again. That has become an issue for me, as it seems I have lost my ability to get any concentration on complex rulesets along the years
. Fortunately this wasn't the case, all went smooth and easy
The characters found the Gargoyle and tried to slain the beast
Using the power both of magic and sheer muscle
As the game was so quick, we decided to play a second round
. For that purpose we went on the second scenario,
The rescue of Sir Ragnar.
Back to battle again!
As we were now familiar with the rules, the game was even quicker (not that it was difficult or anything, just having to manage a couple of rules
Will our heroes be able to rescue Sir Ragnar?
By the skin of their teeth!
You can find both (complete) reports in the blog: ... t.html?m=0
I must say I enjoyed it just like the very first day. You may say it is nostalgia, but my mates were newcomers to the game and they pretty much enjoyed it too! So I can say HeroQuest still rocks 25 years later!