
Apologies for the over bright pic, but here is a group shot, with an extra 5 warriors mixed through that I've painted during the week (the plastic with hvy bolter, 2 metal gunners with hvy bolters etc)


This actually makes the army move from the "cool stuff" zone to the "I want this" one.

Very nice army mate, you can be proud of it !
Cheers my man, I haven't decided on the final colour to add to the bases yet but I've gone from "hey, at least they're painted!" to feeling proud of them myself.

I have 6 more squads of 5, champions to lead them, a few medics and a tarantula and crew to paint- then I'm done.

What I have here (minus the exo armour) makes a 1750pt army for 2nd edition using the Inquisitor mag rules, I hope to convince my brother to take command of either these bearded gits or my Goffs and face off again for a larger game/battle report with level 4 psykers and some decent scenery this time...


Count Von Bruno":2j1zv1dx said:
I've gone from "hey, at least they're painted!" to feeling proud of them myself.

And you should: they look great. The more sombre bases make the classic-but-bright scheme look much better.

Well done, rebasing time well spent.

Count Von Bruno":2j1zv1dx said:
Cheers my man, I haven't decided on the final colour to add to the bases yet

Something even darker than the brown maybe? Small darker patches of a different grade of flock/sand/gravel, just one or two on each model maybe. The models are bright enough as is and dont require a "lift", so getting a richer texture on the bases to break them up is all you want.

At least, thats what I think. As ever, do exactly what you want to do :)
Now thats a stonking looking force! Great job on them. I am with Cheetor on the basing front - break up the texture and you are done.

I never really noticed the "halo" the living ancestor's outfit is equipped with until now...it reminds me of old paintings of what they thought God looked like.


Clap clap clap!

The move from "that would be a good idea..." to "I have XXX number of points painted to a good level" is the most difficult (Ideas are cheap, as said whatshisname). So great job!

Coming back to Bob Olley, his style is an acquired taste. I haven't got bitten by the Olley bug myself just yet, but you never know. And, to his credit, he has improved with time: http://www.olleysarmies.co.uk/galleryscrunts.html
Thanks for the kind words one and all.

mbh: no tanks, but a couple of rhino APCs and or some boring machines (termites) from Ramshackle would be a great addition.
I have a Panzer tank that I've not built and considered drafting in minus turret, but I'm thinking not.
I've never been too much of a tank/big vehichle guy in 40K, in fact an old (unbuilt) Rhino is my one and only "big" vehichle- but it's probably going to my Blood Angels way down the road.

Anyways, I've been making hay while the sun shines- and here are the latest additions:


flamer dude and converted plasma gun bloke

Standard Bearer and Medic

The standard bearer's paint scheme is very much in line with the colour WD ad


Excellent looking!
You have really captured that 1980's colour scheme.
I like how you have done the green and red, vibrant but not too bright. :)


They look great. The guy with the plasma longrifle really appeals to me. My early RT forces were full of guys with converted special weapons like that.


The standard is especially good, the gold is not too shiny which would have looked weird, there,n you just nailed the right tone with the reddish crown beneath, top job mate !


The plasma is a very successful conversion.
One which I may well steal - er, borrow -- when I get to the squats I've accumulated.

What comprises the left half of the conversion?
Cheese guys :!:

Mr Lee: since the standard bearer has green booties and gloves, I tried something new and went for gnarloc green with a goblin highlight to contrast my usual snot/warpstone glow with scorpion/moot highlight and green wash.
I was a little worried the excess of green wouldn't come off so well but I ended up being pleasantly surprised.

Mr Ass: I tried to keep it a bit drab like the picture- I think the eagle they did was actually bone...I wasn't sure how the wreath was going to turn out either as it initially looked really bright after I highlighted with yellow- red wash sorted it.

Cheet, Suber, Orjie: the plasma guy's barrel was gone when I got him- the left half is the remnants of the (shotgun?) he was originally armed with and as you know the weapon is a shaved down Ork plasma.
The helmet on this guy and the others like him always remind me of the Rebel pilots from Star Wars :!:
Oh man, I love these old space dwarfs. Your paint scheme is so 80's and awesome. I really like the bright blues, yellows and greens. Really a nice job.