
Stuntie with shuriken catapult
person":1pp0y9l8 said:
That squat army is looking very nice. Any chance of some more session reports?

I always get carried away :oops:

My simple recipe is:
*a white undercoat (though my first few units were black)
*snot green with scorpion green highlights, followed by Thraka green wash or Devlan mud
*mephiston red followed by blood red, with blazing orange highlights
*dark flesh with skrag brown highlights, flesh wash or gryphonne sepia (for leather pouches, boots etc)
*regal blue followed by ultramarine blue with ice/lothern blue highlights
*averland sunset followed by golden yellow, with sunburst highlights-cassandora wash

*dwarf flesh followed by ogryn flesh
*kislev flesh highlights then ogryn flesh
*dwarf/kislev flesh blend with ogryn again

*(grey): skavenblight dinge followed by stormvermin fur, administratum grey highlights with devlan mud wash
*(brown): dark flesh followed by skrag brown, balor or snakebite highlights, ogryn flesh wash
And they look excellent Lee, the Iron Claw General you are using for your warlord is a great choice- I don't particularly care for the "official" warlord mini much myself, or the exo armour guys.
I find them perfect for characters (hearthguard)- I can understand why they are disliked though.

Another "derka derka" Squat-grr the spot of black on his tunic :evil:


These guys are going to be a recon squad, and it's nice getting away from the green/red/yellow scheme I went with for the rest of my army.


I really like your squat adventurers man ! It's a brilliant range and I agree the alternative paint job really helps to make them stand. I missed the last Iron claw squat but he is gorgeous too, man those eyes !
Cheers mate, I'm sort of in that horrible position now where I'm not sure if the green/yellow/red scheme was the bestest but I'm already too far into it :?

I managed to get 5 adventurers for 3 GBP each in an auction which was a nice catch- they are quickly becoming some of my favourites...I've traditionally avoided the armless guys cause of the hassle getting arms :grin:


Hey, they all look more than nice! They are full of personality, and your brushwork makes them justice!


Really loving the squats great colour scheme and look for the whole army.

What are the backgrounds you are currently using, downloadable at all?
Thanks guys, I do like the main colour scheme and all-it's just one of those "grass is always greener" things where I don't have much room to wiggle on colours...I suppose I'd just be trading one set for the other though :)

Erny the background is a Space Crusade: Mission Dreadnought board, I'm having a surf for it right now and I'll PM you
In classic "me" style, I have rushed the arms on and taken pics...neglecting to remove the annoying little bit on top of the boltpistol that I totally did not notice earlier :evil:

Count Von Bruno":2n4a6ggc said:
Cheers mate, I'm sort of in that horrible position now where I'm not sure if the green/yellow/red scheme was the bestest but I'm already too far into it :?

I managed to get 5 adventurers for 3 GBP each in an auction which was a nice catch- they are quickly becoming some of my favourites...I've traditionally avoided the armless guys cause of the hassle getting arms :grin:

Hey Bruno nice to see the Squats getting some love and attention. They are looking sweet.

If I might take up those two points you mention, the G/Y/R scheme is not actually a bad scheme. I feel that the fundamental problem you have is the choice of colour for your bases. You have opted for a fairly bright green which actually clashes with the primary colour scheme which is why I believe that you feel that they seem off. Notice how the brown guys avoid the clash with the base. The basing colours being both green and in a similar colour range also clash with each other. You have too many wildly clashing greens!

I would suggest that you experiment with some other colours on the basing for some of the G/Y/R guys.

If it were me I would go for a very dark green ground colour and drybrush it a little lighter in places and a little brown in places, like in the following image. Also I would go for a black base edge with it:


Secondly regarding squat arms let me know PM me if you are in need.
I think you may have just "put your finger on it" there mate- while I am loathe to go back and redo bases I think it may well be the happy medium rather than pushing on with them, all the while having that nagging feeling something isn't quite right.

I think some tests are in order :ugeek:


Oooh, I really dig your Adventurer/Recon squad. I had happily decided that I didnt "need" those figures, but now I want them. A pox on you sir for making them attractive ;)

I will console myself in a petty fashion by pointing out that your mole mortar is shooting backwards towards friendly lines...
:lol: I'm so dense :oops:

Bloody hell, you wouldn't want to be in the trenches/in an artillery crew/anywhere near me :lol:

I had no intentions of getting them either but at 3 GBP each I couldn't resist, glad I did now!