

Recently lost my painting mojo and then got a bad case of sciatica which made sitting rather uncomfortable. However felt the urge yesterday and after looking for some inspiration decided to paint up a couple of skaven I had undercoated many moons ago.

When I was young I had 3 armies I always dreamed of having Dwarfs. Orc & Goblin and Skaven. I absolutely loved the original Jes Goodwin models and would spend many an hour looking lovingly at them in White Dwarf. When I got back into hobby I tried to collect them but they took 3rd place to the other 2 so never really got vary far. My issue was just the sheer amount of figures I would need and the money required (basically selling kidney would have been needed!)

So only managed a couple of reasonable deals so this should just be a little warband project.

So finally the models


Little group shot with a few I painted at some previous time

Old Hob

Loved the dwarves and the orcs, so looking forward to this.
Not Jes Goodwin, but there are a few cheaper options for unit fillers.
Ral Partha Europe has a few Tim Prow Ratmen sculpts for Heartbreaker
They also have these chaps, but I'm not sure how well they'll work stylistically
Forlorn Hope carry the old Grenadier Ratmen, although they're more Rat than Man when compared to the Citadel sculpts
And obviously there's the Oakbound Studio Gnawlochs


Ral Partha ones aren't too bad but clothing stands out a bit more.. I'm mosting using some I got as specials (like a Champion, Leader, etc) more then standard clanrats


Very nice, I like the blue/red colour scheme to draw the models all together. Like you I always rather fancied a Skaven army, but a friend ended up collecting them and we all somewhat fell into having our own armies (orcs/goblins and undead ones for me) so I never really had any myself. I've a handful of random models now that I have picked up here and there and I keep meaning to tackle them. So I'll be interested to watch this lot develop.


Those look great. I've been painting up mine (old tatty army from 80s) for a BOYL game in the summer. I've also been doing some 3D sculpts to fit as closely as I can with the Jes Goodwin style to bulk out my army. Some of these are completely 3D printed, and some are Warhammer regiments plastic, converted with 3D printed parts for variety.

twisted moon

nice work on the standard bearer.
i like plenty of variation in my skaven horde, so i appreciate those 3d variants.


Thanks for feedback everyone
not bad. Z-brush?
They are done in Blender. I started using it for WW2 aircraft and have been learning the (different) techniques required for creatures, cloth etc.
They look great! Do you publish your sculpts somewhere, like My Mini Factory, Cults3D, Thingyverse, etc.?
I have just started a Patreon, where I have 'published' 5 Astronorks, so far. The Skaven aren't on there yet, but I will start releasing them there in the next couple of months.

I also have done a fundraiser for Ukraine distributing STLs of my take on the Ventolin Pirate, which I have expanded into 20 different poses and weapon types.

On the above links there are free samples of the Astronork and the Ventolin Pirate.

I've also been working on a set of 12 green stuff sculpts of Skaven. They are in a similar style - here are casts of the first 5 (sorry, lousy photo) but I haven't had finished all of the others yet.


Right back to my skaven !

Painted up some more and also painted up some shields. I always paint my shields in batches so I have them ready when needed.



Next batch of skaven have been undercoated so hopefully shouldn't be too long before I've added to the ranks.