Phreedh's miscellaneous WIPs of all things sundry


Thanks guys! They're finished now and posted up in my Showroom scifi thread.

Dooz":1qwfmwte said:
Really like those, both the painting and the figures. Where are they from?
Thanks Dooz! They're old Metal Magic (or Hobby Products, really) Spacelords. Cybertech war-techs to be more precise. It's a german line of figures, they did both fantasy and scifi in the late 80s and early 90s. Highly compatible with 80s Citadel figs in scale. A bit shorter maybe, they're more like "proper 28mm".

Fimm: Aww, shucks man. Don't worry - I probably won't get around to painting them before BOYL'16. ;)

JB: It works surprisingly well as a base coat for orcs if you do the old block/wash method I'm employing nowadays. I used to do dark base coats, layer up the highlights and all that faff. Took ages finishing a miniature. "CBA" is my new mantra! :)

Optimus: If you ever feel the need, I think Midlam Miniatures carry them nowadays and they're still decently priced.


Looking good there mate and I think you should paint the Ex-Metal Magic Orcies.. Ordered some from Midlam to mix in to Hobgoblin Units an they are rather nice.


phreedh":27g13fjw said:
JB: It works surprisingly well as a base coat for orcs if you do the old block/wash method I'm employing nowadays. I used to do dark base coats, layer up the highlights and all that faff. Took ages finishing a miniature. "CBA" is my new mantra! :)

Funny you should say that, a certain number of orks I know have received the exact same treatment...


Well, I didn't paint any orcs in October... or anything else. The closest thing was me finishing a few scenery items. Pics of them at a later time. Most of my time I spent in the US or jetlagged. I also gave up snus (swedish tobacco product) which means I'm in nicotine withdrawal since two weeks!

Today, I've been home with the lad which gave me the opportunity to do some prepwork on the latest Kickstarter harvest. Lancer Miniatures right nice space lizards!


Not much to look at yet, but it's what I'm up to.


No orcs for orctober??? Even I managed two (though never posted pics on the forum yet!) Oh well, there's always next year ;)

Congrats on giving up snus - never heard of it but if it's nicotine based then it's gonna be a hard one to kick.

Look forward to seeing the lizards get painted, they certainly have an oldhammer sculpting vibe.


You're in luck, Protist - I've painted one now.


Doesn't look much in the flesh and supersized like this doesn't help at all... :roll:

I'll do 11 more in the same scheme, for a unit of 12. The remaining 5 will be freebooters to join various pirate crews, gangs and mercenary outifts as they're needed.

More gaff (and a mini review on the miniatures themselves) here:

Ti Pouchon

OK, have to admit that space saurus turned out nicely, good job and so on...


why won't you continue with your Dungeonbowl project?
You big tease! I really enjoyed the first batch you did and then... poof! Nothing!
Get back into the dungeon, you!


Cheers lads! Jonas, they paint up quickly if you're not too fussy. Get cracking.

Ti Pouchon":18dipzj4 said:
why won't you continue with your Dungeonbowl project?
For some reason I made this silly vow or challenge, to not paint any GW figs this year. Which I haven't. Haven't painted much else either. Hence the Metal Magic loving and so on. =)
phreedh":37jzmadw said:
Cheers lads! Jonas, they paint up quickly if you're not too fussy. Get cracking.

Ti Pouchon":37jzmadw said:
why won't you continue with your Dungeonbowl project?
For some reason I made this silly vow or challenge, to not paint any GW figs this year. Which I haven't. Haven't painted much else either. Hence the Metal Magic loving and so on. =)

So you'll keep busy with my upcoming models :grin:


It's been a while since I posted here, but I have been painting a little on the side, both lizards and other stuff.

First out, here's a repainted pre-painted Star Wars mini from WOTC. It's Morton Fieldmann, a mutant hoodlum who managed to get off McKemmler IV and have now returned to the system with a ship of his own.

Second and so on, here are the Lancer Raizze I've finished up so far. Two more troopers and the squad commander.

Here's a pic of what's going on at the desk right now. I'm yet to finish the 2014 Legacy model, but at least she's there with some paint on. Apart from that, it's mostly lizards.


The meticulousness of your painting set up terrifies me! Mine is temporary and much more chaotic!

I like the lizards - the gold on the commander works nicely :)


Nice paintjob on the Marty Feldman but I would have swapped his guns for better sculpts.
In my opinion they spoil the good looks, but I don't know how difficult it is to convert WOTC miniatures.
They are kind of rubbery, right? So leaving the guns as-is might have been for the best.

On the Raizze:
Usually i do not like paint-on teeth (it often looks like (bad) Dia De Los Muertos make up) but on your miniatures it really looks good.
Nicely done and so i have an other miniature range on my wants-list.

And axiaom is right. That is creepy and a bad example for all of us (what if our wives/husbands/whatever see that?).
Your space should look like that of an artist, not like that of a paint robot.


Niibl":fk60wtjp said:
Nice paintjob on the Marty Feldman but I would have swapped his guns for better sculpts.
In my opinion they spoil the good looks, but I don't know how difficult it is to convert WOTC miniatures.
They are kind of rubbery, right? So leaving the guns as-is might have been for the best.

On the Raizze:
Usually i do not like paint-on teeth (it often looks like (bad) Dia De Los Muertos make up) but on your miniatures it really looks good.
Nicely done and so i have an other miniature range on my wants-list.

And axiaom is right. That is creepy and a bad example for all of us (what if our wives/husbands/whatever see that?).
Your space should look like that of an artist, not like that of a paint robot.
Cheers niibl:) they're actualy not supposed to be painted on teeth but pale puffy lizard lips.

Agree about the guns but swapping them out would've been fiddling on a level that would've led to him never seeing paint. I have zero patience for conversions. Output is everything. :)


I thought it was teeth too. Looks like warpaint rather than real teeth though.

Paintjob is ace anyway.


Jonas":1oooqa9l said:
I thought it was teeth too. Looks like warpaint rather than real teeth though.

Paintjob is ace anyway.
Yeah, that was my first reaction to it too; warpaint. I'm not too keen on it, might ditch it on the remaining models in the unit and go back to these and fix them.


Well, at least the "teeth" give those faces something special and agressive.
I think without them the lizards would look quite bland.
As you have started with teeth already, why not go the whole distance and give them even more skull aspects, probably depending on the rank?


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Nah, I'll get rid of the teeth for the squad. I have a few lizards that will be mercenaries and characters. One of them might get that treatment. Ditching that step will speed the painting up a bit.


Not much to show in the way of WIP minis nowadays... I'm attempting some LAF LPL stock piling, for a possible LPL participation. :shock: It's probably just a pipe dream, but I still would like to manage a full pull (ie 10 new entries, with full theme bonus points). The two times I participated so far, I didn't manage ten new entries (hell, first time round I didn't even manage five new entries).

However, I do have a bunch of plastic buildings I'm plugging away at. Last year, I bought a total of five boxes of Mantic Deadzone Scenery Upgrade Packs. Quite a lot of plastic, but not half as much as I'd like.

I first got two boxes, and looking at the back you get the impression you can build half a space colony from a box or two. Well, you can't. :) I started dryfitting a few buildings but soon ran out of connectors. Progress stalled, but I learned a lot of lessons. Plan your use of corner connectors carefully! Repurpose struts! Three more boxes were ordered and everything was put to marinate in the creative juices until a few weeks ago.

Last week, I decided to have a go at it again - spurred on by cheetor's recent output. Also, I have a bunch of painted scifi figures now, but no scenery to speak of. So, I sat down and watched a few bad movies while clipping and trimming three boxes worth of plastic bits. Good times! Last weekend, I sat down for an hour or two and got cracking.


I had these three buildings and two gantries built since before, and started disassembling them to then glue them back together. Notice the big box of panels top right. :grin: It was a bit of a hassle, and I used the wrong type of glue to begin with. The second day I was at it, I changed to Revell's plastic cement. I can recommend that.


Here's where I was at this morning. Me and the boy got up early and had more than half an hour to spare before we had to leave for work so I took the opportunity to glue some stuff together. Two gantries and three buildings are completely finished. All roofs come off, for the possibility of playing inside. I'm using trimmed down struts to support the roofs, as can be seen above. They're glued to the walls and then the connector peg on the top side is trimmed to not snap-fit with the roof tiles. It keeps the roof in place, but it's still easy to remove. I also added an armoured tower and armoured panels to the roof of the large building. It will most likely be used as a law enforcement office. Top left is a small residential building. Typical colony hab cubes fare... almost finished.

In addition to the stuff visible above, I've got two square 2x2 buildings, one slightly more complex and three gantries all in various states of in progress. Then I'm done building and can proceed with painting!

I'm thinking about getting a few more boxes, but probably not the same basic ones. Most likely, I'd get one Urban Sector and one Ruined Sector before calling it quits. Possibly a Defence Line or two, for more of those armoured barricades. I really liked them. It's also a pretty good way to get extra connectors.