Oldhammer on easyliveauction


Looking at my list of what Skaven models were made and what ones I don't have, I still can't bring myself to really pay £7 for a single mini I'm missing.. looking large lots, I mostly count them, divide the price by the number and see what that comes out as... But these descriptions and photos are.. far from great to be able to work it out.. but.. say the total is £700, If there is a min of 140 figures, that would be a price I'm happy to pay.. ideally not in one go cause that's alot to spend in one go and not knowing WHICH figures are there but still.. that works out as a good price..


Well lot 241 with all the nice marines and guard went for £1200 (£1500 with fees) so tad more than I wanted to pay! However half the lot was stuff I didn't really know, but may have made it worth it for someone.

FWIW the 25.2% was the total fee. The auction house charged 18% and the rest was the easy live fee on top of that.
I’ve seen stuff I’ve sold via Wessex Auction Rooms/Easy Live go on eBay shortly afterwards. Marked up by a pro-seller, ofc. Breaking up lots and offering at premium BIN prices in their shops, the sharks.


At eBay BIN prices it was still a bargain. I'd roughly counted at least 140 decent marines and there were probably 2-4 dreads and other bits that were not clear. Then all the lead I know less about on the left. For me £500 was as high as I would go.

I did bid on Genestealer (and a couple of other lots), but whilst I'd like a copy I don't want to spend much despite it's apparent rarity and certainly not eBay prices. That went for £80 I think in the end.

Interesting stuff however, with the keeping the auction open until you have no further bids for a bit in an effort to stop sniping.

Still curious to know if that Imperial Guard plastic box set was full. Surprised there was no internal photo. That's certainly one thing they could do better, why have three of the same photographs?
A mistake when uploading the listings perhaps?

In my experience, auction houses can be dreadful with their listings. Everything I’ve sold via Wessex Auction Rooms (WAR) has included a printed sheet with a contents breakdown. They’ve never used any or even included a photograph of them. It’s most odd.

WAR also have odd ideas about lots and I’ve had discussions with auctioneers about it. Their knowledge, to be fair, is unlikely to be as extensive as ours. The overall impression I get is that they want an easy life, minimal effort, to rattle through lots as fast as possible while trousering a healthy commission from both buyer and seller. It seems to work as they get decent prices and rarely have unsold lots.


Well I picked up my winnings today. I think from my brief count it's about 70 minis, about 41 orcs and 7 or so grechin. Then 7 old terminators and 15 classic ones. Granted given train prices in London it probably cost me more to collect that to have posted, but hey ho... Now of course I'm trying to remember if I have a spare exo armour arm at home? I think I might have one other armless one actually, but which arm I have no idea! I fear my Imperial fists are going to be very heavy on their first company ... still I always liked terminators!

The auction house (London Auctions) was a temple to junk, crazy place piled high with all sorts of stuff. Still wondering when we'll see all the stuff from the big lots on ebay! Although you never know maybe it was bought by a fan, I'd have probably kept a good 80% of it myself.

For future reference for anyone else the total percentage extra on the hammer price was "just" the 22.5%. The confusion (at least for me) comes because their normal percentage is 18%+VAT but they have to pay a little to the online platform, so it ends up being 22.5%. I think given they say look at the T&C it would have been worth clarifying that myself.