Oldhammer 'Legacy Warband' - would you be interested?


Couple of questions:

What are we doing about basing? As someone pointed out in the other thread being all based by the same person helps uniformity, also different systems need different basing. (As an aside to the poster in the other thread, what basing do you use, if not warhammer?

Does everyone send them in to one person who then sends them on to the winner? Or does everyone just send their miniature to the winner? The former would be cheaper, bu the latter would insure everyone who is in the hat actually submits a miniature.


tp_1983":nwqfndj6 said:
Couple of questions:

What are we doing about basing? As someone pointed out in the other thread being all based by the same person helps uniformity, also different systems need different basing. (As an aside to the poster in the other thread, what basing do you use, if not warhammer?

Does everyone send them in to one person who then sends them on to the winner? Or does everyone just send their miniature to the winner? The former would be cheaper, bu the latter would insure everyone who is in the hat actually submits a miniature.

Basing is up for discussion - we can work through that and decide on base size, shape, as well as who finishes them.

With regards to collecting the band together, my preference is for all contributors to send to a central point (if I'm organising, I'm happy for this to be me). I think it works better logistically, allows me to start doing little group shots as the warband progresses. The premise I've always run these in the past, is that to be considered for the draw, your model must be received - it helps with the unlikely issue of people not sending their models.


tp_1983":2rdbpojb said:
what basing do you use, if not warhammer?
Metal fender washers. Same size (25mm round) and thickness on "all" my miniatures:

The exceptions to that are:
- Stuff normally on cavalry bases (25x50) are on pillshaped plywood bases (25x50)
- Large monsters, such as ogres and minotaurs, are on 50mm round washers (or are they 40mm... can't remember now)
- Plastic monopose figures speed painted for warhammer in a long term project are based as per Warhammer Armies
- Blood Bowl minis are based on round slotta-bases. Anything else would be wrong.

The reason for this is I like the simplicity and added weight. I play skirmish games exclusively thus round bases make more sense. Profile of a washer is a bit lower so it's more stable (also thanks to the weight of the metal) so the minis don't tip over in hills etc as easily. Also, the games I play can use any model so I need to be able to mix and match for a game as I see fit. Thus, I'm basing my scifi stuff the same as my fantasy stuff to use generic critters like bears, wolves etc in both without having disparate basing styles.

I'm a bit anal retentive regarding stuff like that. :roll:

Just John

I'm with Phreedh on this, I only use round bases as well, a mix of round slottas, pennies, and washers. Winner doing the basing makes sense to me.


It will be more challenging than with a Blood Bowl team, but I'm sure it can be done well if we stick to a distinct colour scheme of a primary and secondary colour.


I would also vote for winner to base them. Although I do use WHFB compatible sizes, I prefer 2mm mdf, so I can use them on Impetus trays.

Also there is a lot more scope for variety with WHFB than bloodbowl, even in terms of what mix of static grass etc is used.


Great stuff guys - this is shaping up to be a nice-sized warband! Don't forget to vote on the race we should do!