Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progress

Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Matt in PA":18bp3ayl said:
And thanks for putting Pumbo in the back where we can't see the glorious flock job he's sporting.

This is discrimination. If y'all can't appreciate a fine set of flocked balls I'll take him back (and send Jon one with even bigger ones :grin: ).


Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Matt in PA":1d23bp0n said:
That's a good looking group!

Asslessman, your Bryan Ansell space-mullet marine is seriously cool. I think that mini just rings so true to the picture in my head of what Rogue Trader should be.

Axiom, is there a badge yet for the 2015 crew? And thanks for putting Pumbo in the back where we can't see the glorious flock job he's sporting.

Cheers, Crooks and I even got to have our models judged by Bryan himself, I think he even said something in the line sof "Oh I used to look like this at some point" (Crooks will correct me if I'm wrong).

PS : You can't see the flocked balls but you can still see the ... well you know...
Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

He did judge our models, and also judged us worthy of a Brianselfie, as you can see:

And he really did say he looked like your space marine once JB, which leads me to believe that somewhere under Stoke Hall there is a room containing his armour and a throne for him to sit on while attendants help him suit up.
Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

That's f#@king awesome guys...there's no appropriate smiley.

Also, I intend to contribute to this Legacy warband, can't decide if it's going to be a Space Marine Scout or a Squat.

Matt in PA

Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Ha! That is pretty awesome.

CVB, when in doubt always choose Squats!
Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Matt in PA":ye0qimsx said:
Ha! That is pretty awesome.

CVB, when in doubt always choose Squats!

Wise words, as I can't seem to figure out a satisfactory colour scheme for the Scout I think I'll go the Squat :razz:


Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

This young frog, Robin, was going to join up with the crew, but he got hung up at emmigration and missed his shuttle, so I expect he'll settle down on the Tartarus Rim, unless there's some point to catching a later shuttle.




In translation, I missed the deadline to the annual summer funk. (Long and messy story there, but suffice it to say I've not quite recovered from a near trauma. Don't ask if you don't want to know, but the great Amero-Anglican poet T. S. Eliot explained it well when he said:

Now, we come to discover that the moments of agony
(Whether, or not, due to misunderstanding,
Having hoped for the wrong things or dreaded the wrong things,
Is not in question) are likewise permanent
With such permanence as time has. We appreciate this better
In the agony of others, nearly experienced,
Involving ourselves, than in our own.
For our own past is covered by the currents of action,
But the torment of others remains an experience
Unqualified, unworn by subsequent attrition.
People change, and smile: but the agony abides.

Mr. Eliot is dear to the heart of many from my hometown, though like several other of its greatest children he left, never to return. There is truth in that verse, alas. If you do not know it you will soon enough, unless time claims you well out of turn. But I digress. Robin was to be my submission, but having seen the other offerings I feel he's not up to the standard, he's terrifyingly late, and I rather like him and would miss him. All that said, if he is sorely wanted I can still send him to whomsoever won the contest. But if not . . . he'll have a happy enough life on the Rim. There might even be rainbows on some of its worlds.


Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Hopefully that solves the problem. Google reinvented itself recently. (Badly at that.) That was my go-to hosting site. Might be time for a new one, but the new features aren't quite everywhere yet, and I think this goes around them . . . Hopefully.


Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Spot on with the new recruit! And as an incentive for the rest of you, here's the crew as they currently stand:



Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

That's quite a good crew !

CvB, your scout is excellent !

Matt in PA

Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Good one, Count Von Bruno. Some nice old school flair there.


Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Looking great Mister Rab. He looks really REALLY cross about something!

Jeff McC

Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

He does look a bit put out, doesn't he?

Mister Rab

Re: Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progre

Well, you'd be pretty miffed if you'd ended up with such deep whole-body rad-burns like that, working as a wage-slave 'wave stacker* :evil:

*the poor schmucks who stack the nutri-cakes in eight foot high, walk-in microwaves. They don't have doors and keep running while the stackers are going back and forth to speed up output.