There is still an allowance of 30 more Halberdiers in the Oldworlder Ally Contingent. When I ordered the last time with Black Tree Design, the order took several months. The guy from customer support did a great job, was very friendly and helpful, and in the end asked for a couple of packs they would choose some from for an apology - I received all I mentioned. Very nice.
So these models will be painted up as Bretonnian Halberdiers. The command groups I ordered from Mirliton. The result will be two units of 15, which will together with the 20
An der Fähre Village Guard
be the 50 allowed by Warhammer Armies.
I removed the cast on flags from the Mirlition models to replace them with brass rod.
When test placing the models, I reckognized that the Mirlition are noticably smaller than the Black Tree ones

This won't do.
Luckily, my lead pile included some more models from Black Tree's 100 years war range. I used some knights on foot for the unit leader and standard bearer. I had enough Halberdiers to fill out the unit to 16, but only in the later round helmets. As I have one unit in earlier rim helmets, I had to convert two models. First I cut off the helmets.
With Instant Mould and plaster I cast two helmets and glued them on.
For the bases I used metal ones from
Products for Wargamers. On the underside I numbered them with a Proxxon Precision drill FBS 240/E so that deploying the units will not be a puzzle game each time.
The standard bearers got a pole from brass rod and all the models were based. The only thing missing now are two instruments to attach to two models. I am not sure which I will use (horns, drums, ...) and if I will buy some or do them myself.
Do you have any suggestions for instrument sources or DIY articles?