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OGRE: The Wanderer Returns?


OK good that the pick up from Hitchen is sorted, I was planning on staying over Snickets on the Friday and had thought I coudl make it to Hitchen if needed but ist is sort of on WPs way. As for games I'm happy to bring whatever, I'd need to paint a chariot for continuing the warbands game but thats easy enough in the time given. I can bring an asortment of adventurers or adversaries. I'd also be happy to run a WHFRP session as the great game has been mentioned a few times. I used to know the rules inside out...


How about we do some WFRP then with each have of us supplying a painted mini to be our character and we could then maybe use mini's for any appropriate times (I.e. Combat).

Erny, if you're happy to GM do you want to bring along a selection of oponent mini's too.

You never know, if this one off adventure works we could look at maybe running either The Enemy Within or Doomstones over some sort of Skype or something on a semi regular basis.

I can work my character out with Erny Saturday morning, any one else will either need access to the rules to work out their character or give Erny the outline of what they want. (Oh and agree upon edition)

I normally played a rogue type but also like the idea of a dwarf fighter/ranger of some sort.

If people want to pick their archetype let's try to make sure we get a workable mix.


With a bit of luck, I might be able to join this bash, can you message me your details so I can check travel arrangements with the boss?

Thanks in advance

Paul / GolgfaG1


Snickit":10bl6ip2 said:
How about we do some WFRP then with each have of us supplying a painted mini to be our character and we could then maybe use mini's for any appropriate times (I.e. Combat).

I'd be happy with this too (I'm in an easygoing mood today!) although I suspect it is somewhat time-dependent (I for one would find it really frustrating to be cut off midst adventure because we didn't have enough time!) whereas WP's idea of a narrative game involving a couple of minis each but using WFRP for combat etc. had the virtue of being relatively elastic in terms of the time it could fill, as does the Orc warband plan. But really, on this occasion I'm happy to go along with whatever the crowd goes for, I'll just be pleased to catch up with you guys.


lenihan":1zvpmozm said:
Snickit":1zvpmozm said:
How about we do some WFRP then with each have of us supplying a painted mini to be our character and we could then maybe use mini's for any appropriate times (I.e. Combat).

I'm happy with this, although I suspect (as initially highlighted) it is somewhat time-dependent (I for one would find it really frustrating to be cut off midst adventure because we didn't have enough time!) whereas WP's idea of a narrative game involving a couple of minis but using WFRP for combat etc. had the virtue of being relatively elastic in terms of the time it could fill, as does the Orc warband plan. But really, on this occasion I'm happy to go along with whatever the crowd goes for, I'll just be pleased to catch up with you guys.

That's the reality isn't it? Yes we all love the games and the lead but being honest it's the same as sport following for men, it's just an excuse to congregate and chat with good friends whilst using the pretence of doing something other than just chatting so as to excuse us all from our otherwise stupidly busy lives.

I too am very happy to do whatever we agree to do, just trying to get to the point where something is decided to do sooner rather than later. To be honest, taking into account what I've just said above the simpler the better gets my vote.

Oh and so long as I can get a few hours kip and tidy up time then I have no issue with our little gathering going on as late as it takes in a free form kinda way.

I have a stock of beers and a bargain booze selling some decent ales up the road plus a chippie or two or a Papa J's menu for food (plus I'll put on a minor savoury spread to graze through the day) and have coffee and tea in plentiful supply.

What more could an Oldhammer want? (Is that Calcutta Cup day?)
I was just thinking of having an interesting route through a spooky wood, busy with thieves or mutants, on board like a normal WH game but we use WFRP for the combat to make it a bit more detailed rather than the 'bang, bang, oops' you would get with WHB. So WHB moving and board, WFRP fighty.


OK so a skirmish using WHFRP rules between level 1 characters and anything interesting will be short and bloody with the Players dead. Against anything more suited to their level, long and laboured, with many misses. Solution, as it's a one off skirmish all characters are on at least their second career with several advances in it. This will allow a wizard for those interested, if people are dead set on playing a specialized wizard or a spell casting cleric we can look at 3rd careers for all or some. Perhaps a random roll for extra experience to be spent. If your heart is set on being a mercenary captain or bandit chief with followers we can talk about it.

I can design a skirmish scenario set in the Drackenwald with a number of options for where you start depending upon characters designed. Let me know what you intend to play and if it would be easiest for me to design your character also let me know if you need a miniature given a bit of time I can put any PC within the original book on the table. Then Saturday I can have the table set up ready for you to play. If you have opposition models you would like included let me know and I'll work them into the scenario but a beastman/ mutant/cultist type force would be easy for me to bring myself.


Erny":39gqpzay said:
Perhaps a random roll for extra experience to be spent. If your heart is set on being a mercenary captain or bandit chief with followers we can talk about it.

Okay, so to cut a long story short, in line with WPs suggestion, after going through and picking out what I'd like to use, I was thinking about bringing a Merchant from far afield and his "muscle" of two guards. Let me know how/if that is workable and if it isn't I can go back to the drawing board. Or leadpile as the case may be.


Not having the rules I'm not aware of what is doable.

I still like the idea of being a wandering Slayer (why the hell not have fun with it?).

If slayer is too advanced a career then I'll take a wandering Dwarf warrior type in which case I could maybe have a crossbow too.


Well, if we're to have multiple characters then I'll take an Illusionist human too.

Being of the Grey order (I know colours aren't used really but I like the image) his duties take him off investigating all sorts of disturbances. His travelling companion, an ill tempered Troll Slayer, hooked up with him as he sees the foolish manling conjurerer getting himself into all sorts of death laden, monster heavy, trouble - all the better to seek ones doom with!

Erny can work out the Technicals for me, I'll supply the mini's.



I'm sure Erny's going to love all the work we've left him with trying to wrangle our desire into workable shape ;)


lenihan":2ogb4fnv said:

I'm sure Erny's going to love all the work we've left him with trying to wrangle our desire into workable shape ;)

Knowing my Brother he'll relish it, he loves the minutia and his first love, before mini's, painting and wargaming was Role Play.


Could you all let me know what miniatures you are bringing yourselves and what you would like me to supply.


Erny":pg65gtnu said:
Could you all let me know what miniatures you are bringing yourselves and what you would like me to supply.

I'll supply a slayer with a double handed axe and a youngish grey wizard, probably the other world mini I used before.

Thulgrim Thief


