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OGRE: The Wanderer Returns?


Still based up north for the moment, but I'll be back in Cambridge to console PGCE students at the start of March. I'd love to catch up with some of you OGRE fellows for a game and a beer, perhaps on Saturday 4th or Sunday 5th of March? Some kind of skirmish perhaps?


Alas, looks like I'm busy Friday evening (or at least, by the time I can extricate myself from things on Friday, it's likely to be too late) :(


Good news! My other half has decided she's coming back on the Sunday so Saturday can be a gaming day/night.

Question is, any takers?


Maybez sum Dragon Rampant for quick gaming or failing that a continuation of Erny's Orc/Goblin thing (Leni would need to come fresh to that one)


Erny's Orc and Goblin thing is linked below:

http://ernysplace.blogspot.co.uk/2014/1 ... lines.html

Dragon Rampant would work too, I've recently bought up some Black Tree Design/Harlequin Dwarfs specifically for playing Dragon Rampant. Not the best sculpts but not terrible either and for £50 for an army that GW models off of eBay would cost a minimum of 4 times as much I'm not going to complain.


Oohhh that. Yeah, that's cool. I have a good few Orcs lying around and I've never actually painted a goblin, amazingly enough.
(Also I love randon tables.)

I'd be happy to try that, it sounds very cool indeed, just as long as I know relatively soon that's what we're doing as I need to get assembling/ painting. Otherwise, Dragon Rampant is easy to pull something together for.
I'm happy with anything really. If you want a nice narrative game we could bring some figures we fancy playing with and build a story round them. We could go all the way and use WFRP to do the fighting if we only use a couple of figures each.


My feeling is that may take time, which isn't an issue as I have all day and night but it depends how much time people can throw in with.


Let me know if your brother can make it as I may need to try and cadge a lift from him.

(having been up north where we have relatively good public transport infrastructure I'd forgotten what a mess Beeching made of the East of England.)


lenihan":1vou6t7s said:
Let me know if your brother can make it as I may need to try and cadge a lift from him.

(having been up north where we have relatively good public transport infrastructure I'd forgotten what a mess Beeching made of the East of England.)

I'm hoping he'll respond on the thread........................


whiskey priest":3owa22ww said:
If you can make it as far as Baldock or Hitchin or even Arlesey by train then I can pick you up and run you over to Snicket's

Hitchin is easy enough for sure


whiskey priest":16awnlw7 said:
I'm happy with anything really. If you want a nice narrative game we could bring some figures we fancy playing with and build a story round them. We could go all the way and use WFRP to do the fighting if we only use a couple of figures each.

Again, sounds cool. I've gone through the leadpile and I know what minis I'd bring if we went for this kind of scenario. But can easily switch to either the orc warband thing or Dragon Rampant as desired. I guess we'll wait to see who else is rounded up and how much time they can free themselves up for to see if they have any preferences. My missus needs to do some labwork in the morning of the Saturday, but I could probably get most of the afternoon and certainly the evening free.