Loose Loser":2x9ntx7r said:Newest edition to my Undead Army. I like this model. Nice sculpt. It does remind me to that Nagash from Morley ( head that is ). Now I see that I've forgot to make pass on hair since I did catch it with yellow wash.
Loose Loser":2lrc6ty7 said:Quick photo of my Blood Angels. Terminators and Scouts are stripped. They're waiting for better days hehe
I might put Vindicare assassin in this lot so they'll be around 1520 pts.
I don't think I'll bother too much whit these because once I paint my 3rd edition Chaos army I'll toss these in stripper ( not on one hehe ) and paint them over again in 2nd edition appearance so I can have proper fight with 2nd edition Tyranids that also waiting for better days.
But I think this year I'll paint 5th edition Undead ( practically 3rd, 4th and 5th edition Undead minis that came out before Vampire Counts 5th edition army book ) with occasional 3rd edition Blood Bowl and Warhammer Quest with monsters of level 1 and others ( I'll see what miniatures I've got so far ).
Blood Angels ( maybe I'll put banner or two and some chapter markings, I think it's fair thing to do )
What a lovely bunch. Just start to overhaul them in sense, goblin green bases with yellow drybrush. Some miniatures are missing as I didn't rebase them or I toss them in stripper ( Like Chariots and Horseman ). Next are shields and banner for Zombies. If I don't make them now, I think they got same faith as Blood Angel banners and markings hehe
Rock Lobber. I do fancy blue one.
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