Another dull text without images but I'm trying to work on getting atleast PART of my first Clanrat regiment done. I do have a couple of other figures partly done (and really need to figure out and sort out stuff so I have space to batch paint stuff).
For.. reasons, I have rows of 6.. well, I could have rows of five but... can't remember if I said about this but I got some not too bad and pretty cheap lasercut movement trays which also came with the inner cutout bit as bases, which was fine.. but I made a slight mistake and they were for 25mm bases, but I use 20mm (and not really interested in changing to 25 for regiment figures) For my Plague monks, I used an 'adapter' to work fine, but for regiments it would be a bit stupid and I worked out that was was meant to be 5x4 rows making a unit of 20 in 25mm, is in fact pretty much the same as 5x6 for a unit of 30 with 20mm. I could have them ordered as rows of 5 and they are kinda deep.. or rows of 6 and it just looks a better. Looking around.. I got a great deal as to find movement trays for 20mm are normally cost a fair bit more and that's without the bases.. which is weird..
Anyway.. I've already shown my first Standard for this unit, I've got 3 standard clan rats done (two AHQ, 1 Fantasy Regiment), I've got another FR in the works an starting on my unit's Champion