cheetor":3dezb9bx said:Cool stuff!
Cheers dude!
theottovonbismark":3dezb9bx said:I need to fix the things on the master I am not happy with but I am happy with the general vibe/mood of the sculpt. I was quite pleased to see that it reminded me of the Blanche illustration (with a bit of white/grey paint on the mask).
cheetor":3dezb9bx said:It appears that "Occupy Hive Primus" movement is a little more militant than its 21st century roots
The white mask is a little too "V for Vendetta" for my tastes. I always imagined the Venators to have a leather coloured mask for some reason. The sculpt looks the part for sure though.
hehehe I am sure that the 0.0000001% is about to virus bomb the place if they get all uppity and disrespectful of the Master of Mankind.
I went with white as it looks white in the illustration, but seeing as they are based on Venetian masks they could be any colour really. I would like to get some thin half masks made that can be applied to any model face with a bit of filing and bending. I see the current project as a full helmet with intergrated auto-senses and respirator which might be used by a senior venator. Junior Venators should look like the other guys in the Blanche illustration. Dont forget we need some sexy Venatrix (Venatrices?) and some practically attired ones too

cheetor":3dezb9bx said:Clear acrylic heels. That'll learn those villainous scumbags.
Good idea, that's doable in theory if I cast in clear resin.
cheetor":3dezb9bx said:Didnt the Venators continue the BDSM look with nooses around their necks too? It never struck me as the most sensible thing to wear when going into hand to hand, like Hooded Justice in Watchmen. The risk with the mask, noose, thigh high boots, codpieces and other paraphenalia is that the Venators might look a bit too much like Mordheim figures rather than sci-fi guys. I know that the line between 40K and Fantasy is a very fine one that GW doesnt mind crossing regularly, but I like those sorts of characters to have a few distinctly sci-fi trappings.
Great work. Im looking forward to seeing a few of these guys assembled and painted.
I think it was the House Cawdor models who foolishly went into battle pre-noosed. Between the Redemptionists, the Cawdor and the few Venator models I have seen the whole thing gets a little confused. You are right about the sci-fi trappings to stop them looking like Vesperos Vendetta with lasguns! Rich guys in 40K should have things like micro sized Jokero tech like needle pistol rings, communicators in their buttons etc. and successful bounty hunters should be rich guys.
I see the Venatori as a bounty hunting expedition with a rich and famous Venator/Venartix holding imperial warrant granting them the license to capture or kill certain individuals or gang members within hive society. Obviously underhive scum are exempt from needing an imperial warrant to exterminate. I imaging a well equipped leader and core henchmen/henchwomen supported by all manner of hired guns from deadly combat specialist to the frothing redemptors and so on...
Chico":3dezb9bx said:Not sucking up but this one of the enjoyable threads on here atm, always found the idea of lead casting scary as feck. Also if you decide to sell these heads at a later date I'd love a set of 10 for Brood Brother use.
Sell??? I prefer reciprocity

It's interesting to get peoples take on the Venator theme. More ideas the better!