Looking For Game (UPDATED)


had an idea about scenario name, day 1 "the Khorne Identity" day 2 " the Khorne Supremacy" fits with the first idea of an evil presence being revealed by the ambushers and that presence sweeping down on a stronghold day 2 :roll:


Thought you might all enjoy this image of our host's Dad back in the day. Picture taken from the Warhammer armies book (just do not tell GW)


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I'd like to bring my green horde out of the attic for the weekend and take it for a walk across a table, anybody up for trying to stop em?

In hope

Paul / Golgfag1
I hope you'll write something about this day after him for people who have not the chance to go, like me :(
Well it Will be a gréât idéal to pût picture like this one of each participant :)


Hi all

Thought I'd move this from the poll thread to here:

Golgfag1":1oldjxk5 said:
Dear All,

I've only recently found out about this event, and so don't know how much is actually set in stone yet, as I'm still feeling my way around the boards. (Which appear fairly organic and 'self-sets') Anyway, all being well I plan to attend, if only to see like-minded people with similar stuff, to what I have, playing games, I enjoy.
I would however, love to get involved by putting on a LARGE DEMO GAME of warhammer (I'd prefer 2nd Ed. as their the rules I started with, but am prepared to use others, as it's only a game). Thus showing off my collection and not interfering with those plans already drafted.
My idea is that I provide all the terrain for a 8x4 table and one side (my Orcs & Goblins with allies!), playing the length of the table, others (I hope for three or four volunteers at least, to provide the other side, not a problem if there are no volunteers as I can provide other stuff, but would prefer not to carry my entire collection of lead to Nottingham and I'd need volunteers to move stuff, anybody? ) and the general idea is to stop the Greenskins from crossing the opposite table edge.
The game would start fairly slowly with a small blocking force and my wolfriders, chariots & pump-wagons on the table lots of movement and panic (smoke and mirrors phase), as more people join-in the next phase begins with main goblin force entering the melee (skirmish game starts to develop into a battle), more bigger stuff joins in and the final phase will see the heavy stuff making their entrance to deliver the final blow on Sunday afternoon (and hopefully in my case see a victory for the horde). This gives people time to wander in and out of the game as stuff is put on the table or back into the box so they can see the other stuff going on or join-in with it. I'm not expecting this game to have winners/losers - its an opportunity to show off our kit and play a game with like-minded souls - hence, no points limit, people can provide as little or as much as they would like. But, I would like to think that over the course of the weekend near enough twenty thousand points of old warhammer miniatures may have passed over the tabletop! With a bit of luck.
Does this idea raise a spark of interest anyone? responses please.

If not, I'll come up to Nottingham anyway and join-in with something else all the best.

Paul / Golgfag1


Hi all

Two months (or just under) to go!

Looking at the registrations that have taken place so far, I can see that:

5 people have signed up for medium scale wargames (~20-50 figures or ~1000-1600 points) on Saturday
5 people have signed up for small scale wargames (everything smaller than above) on Saturday

7 people have signed up for a large scale wargame (~50+ figures or ~1600+ points) on Sunday
6 people have signed up for medium scale wargames (~20-50 figures or ~1000-1600 points) on Sunday

- this is SEPARATE from the RoC open table game or the RT open table game - these are registrations for WFB or RT/40K. What I haven't seen is the corresponding entries on this thread to try and arrange a game (I think 3 games have been arranged so far).

So, this is just a little reminder:

If you can organise your games before you get to Nottingham, you will save time on the day and are more likely to organise the style of games you want to play. If you get there and try to organise a game, you'll probably be successful, but it might not be the experience you hoped it was going to be. So, if you've been meaning to arrange a game here, please go ahead and do so. Also, I'd like to believe the armies that will present on the day will have started shaping up (i.e. they should now be in your possession, at least), so why not take some pictures f the forces and try and compel people to face them that way?

'Horde of Skaven' is not nearly as interesting as:


...so give it a go. I plan to post my offering shortly and start touting for games.



I cross the channel to participate to the O. Day with my Chaos Cohort.
I'm looking for 2 games (Saturday and Sunday), between 2000/4000pts.

Anybody is interrested?

Bye Nico.

Golgfag1":33p91bf5 said:
I'd like to bring my green horde out of the attic for the weekend and take it for a walk across a table, anybody up for trying to stop em?

In hope

Paul / Golgfag1

Hi Golfag1 !! If you're Ok to play against an henchman of the French Empire, I accept you're challenge. Just tell me Saturday/Sunday and How many points...

Who want to be my second oppenent for my second game?


Happy to have you join the knockabout Nico,

But I'm looking to put on a display (with a few small targets thrown into the mix, will any of the wolf riders leave the far end of the table? etc) rather than play a standard game; unless of course I get no other takers - then I'll happily attempt to give you a 'kick-in', in true greenskin style!
But I'd prefer - You to take the first watch in the 'Hells gate', first thing Saturday, 3,000 to 4,000 points is a size-able force to kick-off with against the horde! But if, your going to hold/stop em - you're going to need friends - Anybody else willing to step up to the line and take the Sunday slot or even better, just help? As there will be a lot of kit to move and roll dice for.

In hope

Paul / Golgfag1

P.S. Which edition of the rules would you like to play?

Nico":30e9xs1u said:

I cross the channel to participate to the O. Day with my Chaos Cohort.
I'm looking for 2 games (Saturday and Sunday), between 2000/4000pts.

Anybody is interrested?

Bye Nico.

Hi Golfag1 !! If you're Ok to play against an henchman of the French Empire, I accept you're challenge. Just tell me Saturday/Sunday and How many points...

Who want to be my second oppenent for my second game?


Ok Golfag1, count me in to try to stop your Greenskin horde has describ in your first message.

Or , if we don't find other Generals. You can try to kick my ass with your green short legs... I think to a standard game but a scénario/special deployment is highty recommanded 8-) I play with 3rd ed rules.

I'm curious, how many points you have in your Green horde?
Bye Nico.


Excellent, welcome aboard Nico,

I'll provide more details as my idea develops on the scenario, is there anything you want to include? I currently don't have a set of 3rd Ed. and have never played with them; but, I'll get a set and start reading!
As for points I don't count because if I did, the wife might find out and that would lead to a whole raft of problems I don't even what to contemplate! But, to give you any idea there's in the region of two hundred and fifty orcs, big-uns, Black orcs & half-orcs on foot, not counting heroes etc I think and I have a complete regiment of Golgfag's Ogres, 1st & 2nd ed. plus extras! There's twenty plus years of collecting here, so there's a fair few!
Oh, and I've just started repairs & painting the damaged and half-painted stuff - so have just added a pump wagon, 1 chariot (FTG13), a troll (FTT4), three fanatics (c13), 3 ogres (different types), the giant two headed troll (C31), am just assembling a scratch built orc chariot and have started stripping the giant troll champion (C31/FTT9), Troll (FTT2) plus a load of Nick Lund's chronicle orcs and other stuff, this afternoon!

See you there

Paul / Golgfag1

Nico":30befau3 said:
Ok Golfag1, count me in to try to stop your Greenskin horde has describ in your first message.

Or , if we don't find other Generals. You can try to kick my ass with your green short legs... I think to a standard game but a scénario/special deployment is highty recommanded 8-) I play with 3rd ed rules.

I'm curious, how many points you have in your Green horde?
Bye Nico.


Ok you have a populous army like I love 8-) don't forget your movements trays :lol: and I hope we find a large table.
For scenario, we can add things around the capture of the green skin army Baggages/specials slaves !!

Be in touch !!
Bye Nico.



You may find it difficult to get the numbers you are after. Our initial thoughts on the day were to set up something similar but there really weren't any takers. However you do have Nico willing to give you a game, this means you will have the fortune of playing against one of the best painted oldhammer armies around, you lucky thing! My brother has failed to post his army on these boards but will be bringing a small part of his massive Skaven horde. Nothing like Nicos to look at except quantity has a quality of its own, still hes only bringing a bit of it.

I look forward to seeing your orcs, a small part of my orcs are coming too though I'm already lined up to fight bug16s wonderful undead on the Saturday (though now it turns out he only lives 40 min away from me). I may be free the following day if nobody bite on the Forenronds last stand.

See you there,



I am planning on bringing a warband or 2 along but if I can get enough painted in time I will bring along some undead too.

Seeing as I only recently started painting again though it will probably be the next event before I have a decent army ready.. after that though I will continually be adding and bringing more lead with me each time :grin:



Hi all

Citadel Collector raised a good point - it might have been a long time ago since you registered your interest, so you've forgotten what you wanted to do.

If you want to check the state of the registrations, there is a pretty summary of what's going on, here:


If you want to actually see your entry (and the entries of others - don't worry, all personal details have been deleted, except in the cases where an entry doesn't have a forum name - I've used the first 'name' of the email address), then there is a less easy to read spread sheet over at Google, here:


Let me know if you have any questions about these.


The spreadsheet is very useful - reminds me I still have to work out a way to transcend the petty constraints of space and time to fit everything in that I want to do!

Speaking of which - how is the Rumble in the Jungle shaping up?

I think we should call it "The Rumble in the Jungle" and get as many folks involved a possible for a quick dash for the lost treasure of the Old Ones.

Last look Padre, Harry and Hetz were interested - we still on if I can escape the Drift for a few hours?

I may (stress the may!) have the lower level of Rigg's shrine built and painted by then and possibly some aquarium plants made into jungle...

I'll try and get some pics of the forces I have available at the moment.


I see what you mean Erny, this is like trying to herd cats! One, is bad enough, but, trying to get others to commit to a game with what ever they have is like drawing teeth!
Nico, if we don't get any further interest in this endeavor (by the end of the month) I suggest we call it a day, and join in with other events over the weekend. A pity as I was looking forward to putting my freshly painted Giant troll champion & giant two headed troll and a few of their mates on the table ( http://solegends.com/citf/citftt/index.htm ), maybe, if this happens again, our efforts this time will inspire others to join-in with something an a larger scale?

In hope

Paul / Golgfag1

Erny":elwtj0cj said:

You may find it difficult to get the numbers you are after. Our initial thoughts on the day were to set up something similar but there really weren't any takers. However you do have Nico willing to give you a game, this means you will have the fortune of playing against one of the best painted oldhammer armies around, you lucky thing! My brother has failed to post his army on these boards but will be bringing a small part of his massive Skaven horde. Nothing like Nicos to look at except quantity has a quality of its own, still hes only bringing a bit of it.

I look forward to seeing your orcs, a small part of my orcs are coming too though I'm already lined up to fight bug16s wonderful undead on the Saturday (though now it turns out he only lives 40 min away from me). I may be free the following day if nobody bite on the Forenronds last stand.

See you there,

The only reason I haven't made any firm commitments as yet regarding people's offers of games is that my warbands are still WIP, and it wont realistically be until about 2 weeks before the event that I know where I stand. In principle Paul I'd love to join a battle against what you are proposing (and see all those great old figures), its just that I dont want to say yes at this point and then let people down.

My thoughts at this stage are to bring along whatever I have managed to paint by then, and take a flexible approach to which of my troops I'm actually able to field over the weekend.