Looking For Game (UPDATED)


If Thantsants has too much on running his participation game(s), and Harry ain't sure what he has on, do you think I should run a participation game with the army outlined above? I could provide an enemy army too, craft a scenario and GM the game then.


Could be an option - I'd love to join you but don't want to promise anything till I know how much time I'm likely to have away from Orc's Drift.

I am happy to bring along my Slann, Amazons, etc anyway and any jungle terrain I might make in the mean time if that helps?


Padre I thought you were sorted for an opponent.
"You wanna fight? Fight me!" (In my best Bruce Lee accent :) )
If you fancy that, I'll bring my Orcs. Need to get them painted, so this will hopefully provide impetus...


I think we should call it "The Rumble in the Jungle" and get as many folks involved a possible for a quick dash for the lost treasure of the Old Ones. :grin:


Harry":3qiulovq said:
I think we should call it "The Rumble in the Jungle" and get as many folks involved a possible for a quick dash for the lost treasure of the Old Ones. :grin:

I like this idea :grin:


Warlord Paul":34xu6kug said:
I heard there's a sad story behind the pygmies turning to Voodoo Juju. Apparently the Umgumgumgum tribe of Lake Tooticoco had a deadly rivalry with the Wedafokawi tribe from the Pampas Fields and after a tragic secret union between members of the opposing Elder families resulted in a double suicide a heartbroken Chief turned to a sinister witch-doctor for help. The rest you can imagine... :idea:

Ah, you're thinking of the south-eastern coastal tribes, who have always been somewhat more comedic, as well as frankly odd, compared to the rest. ;) My own pygmies have a fairly complex religious and political system (developed through WFRP adventures) :) and live on the west coast of Lustria and and East Coast of the Southlands.

Hetz, it'd be great to have you as an opponent on one of the days. On the second day we could have either an Arabyan army (provided by me) or an alliance of various Harrys and Thantants as envisaged earlier. Or a mixture of either or both ideas on either or both days!!

In the meantime, I have been looking at 3rd ed. I reckon the Stegadons would count as War Beasts and could use the rules, points and stats for War Mammoths just as they are. We certainly had a few weird howdah creatures back in the day. I'm working on how to incorporate the salamanders - maybe each could count as two Cold Ones, losing attacks accordingly when 2 wounds are taken, not because one of two creatures dies, but because the creature feels 'half dead' and is losing its will to fight!!!

If the arabs do go in as an army for a player to use, I will have to work out what list/rules they best fit. I think a modified Empire or Bretonnian would be best as my figures are armed accordingly.


Lewd Pygmy Werewolves is where its at! 8-)

Talking of eating more intelligent species, I have a Coatl which should be painted by the summer and who would love a pop at the Pygmies! :twisted:




Just saying...


Warlord Paul":1qshtlo3 said:
Serious Pygmies!? Complex religion!?

It's all relative. I meant complex for pygmies. In human terms it's very simple, if incomprehensible due to the fact that the pygmies can't explain it in northerners' tongue (and nor do they want to).

@ Erny - Are they your lovely old slann? If so, what are you and they doing on the weekend? (I feel like I am sleazily chatting someone up.)


I am rarely serious about toy soldiers (how can I be?), but I do enjoy diving into their little worlds. I take my escapism seriously, I suppose.

I suppose I also don't want to waste all the time and effort I put into designing their religion for WFRP, when it hardly got used in gaming. I am trying to feel better about the time I have spent on all this nonsense!!!


Well I have filled in the registration form....a few days ago and forgotten what I marked as my choices...I blame stress :shock:

Anyway I think that I indicated that I wanted to play in the ROC campaign. I will bring my Khorne Warband for this.

I think that I also said that I want to play a "normal" game as well. For this I will bring along a Nurgle themed chaos army. I would be happy to field between 1500 to 3000 points for a game. Having recently played a few games against Gaj/Weasil I think going higher, in points, than this could make the game too long. If you want to see this army I have posted pictures of it on the Warhammer for Adults blog.

Well that's it for now


So Hetz, you're definitely on with your orcs for one of the days, fighting my pygmy necromancer and his tribe? Cool. Not sure if I should say this, what with you wanting motivation to paint, but if your short of any orcs or gobs I have a massive and fairly varied army of them. Not the modern stuff like those spiders, but all your basics.

Which day d'you reckon we'll play? And should I run the pygmies against someone else on the second day? Or run another army?

Coincidentally I have been repairing my jungle and swamp scenery as I am soon gonna be running a WFRP in Lustria for a Stag Do with some gamers of old (very old), so it should be in relatively good nick for the weekend.


Ok I am all signed up and will be looking for a fun game both days, Ideally with my dwarfs would love to create senarios for both days one with Dwarfs attacking the second on the defencive. In fact I would like to do a couple of linked senarios maybe day 1 raid/ambush type thing day two can they make it home in one piece. I am a gamer who has to play with a smile (in fact I usually laugh my head off) so if anyone of that ilk is looking for a game Sat or Sun drop me a line.
Hi , i am looking for a game with my khornate chaos dwarf themed force.I have signed up for a battle and maybe some warband fun in the big mash-up. Painting is continuing apace though i have had a busy week ,i will be posting updates later this week.Its been a confusing and list building has been an excercise in madness.
@Exilejjb maybe you fancy a dwarven grudge match with a twist and candy(the added advantage with me living in Cheshire of possible warm up session/s life permitting).

We could go for both with a climatic build up .A smaller skirmish with the dwarves ambushing the chaos incursion only to find the it contains some of their foul twisted breathren ,followed by a seige on a dwarf hold /pass as chaos pours across the land :)

I am sure there are rumours of an ancient dwarven artifact lying around buried in some old tomb of an ancestor that betrayed and abandoned their CD cousins.Oh i want to build the scenery now ,shame my scenery area is full of WIP Infinity buildings and i have much painting to progress.

Nice blog btw, great old picture of you gaming .Perfect for joining a gorgeous panalopy of wondrous blogs of treasure i have recently stumbled across.
