Glad you all liked the goblin who wanted to fly!
Something a bit different here, the minis are historical but the inspiration is Oldhammer-y: I take part in the Monthly White Dwarf Painting Challenge over on facebook, and for February the challenge was to paint something found within - or inspired by - White Dwarf 98 from February 1988.
I'm trying to use these challenges as a reason to paint up miniatures that have been languishing in the leadpile, not an excuse to buy more - but it turns out I only own one miniature featured inWD98, a dwarf. I painted dwarfs for this challenge in December and January, so I wanted to try something different. Reading through the issue, I really enjoyed Simon Nicholson's article "Scenes from Courtly Life - Courtly Characters for FRP", looking at struggles for power and influence around the throne. That inspired me to paint up two spare miniatures that might never have seen paint otherwise - they're from Perry miniatures (so at least they have the Perrys as a link to true Oldhammer greatness) and are meant to be Henry VI and the Lord High Treasurer Longstrother, though I plan to use them as a prince and his minister in a petty domain amidst the Border Princes... I'll start with these miniatures and then see how the story unfolds!
Before I started painting, I used the system from Tony Bath's Setting Up a Wargames Campaign to generate personalities for the Prince and his minister, and I can already see the seeds of a campaign: the minister is a ruthless operator, taking advantage of a kindly (but thick) prince. For his own enrichment, he has been embezzling charitable funds that had been meant for the realm's sick and poor. What terrible wickedness will the minister employ to stop his corruption from becoming public knowledge? (More on all this over on the blog: ... -life.html - but I'll get back to painting strange fantasy creatures soon enough!)