Thanks you lot!
I've got the tracks finished and looking reasonable. I'm quite happy with them. As said before I was going down the track cover route because I didn't have the confidence of this outcome. But, yeh, thanks to the advice/push here and a little perseverance, we didn't it and it is exactly the look I wanted. Last lot of pics in the raw, before paint.
Now, an iconic aspect of the Spartan is its quad lascannons! I currently have the original pair of duel but try getting some original 1988 sets of those to stick together. No problemo, I've got the blue stuff! Well, in full disclosure that not everything goes to plan with ease. I failed every replica. I've even used the blue stuff in a mould box, made guide pins in both halves of the press mould but I could just never get an equal half print or for both halves to line up exactly.
But, alas, just as I was scratching my head in frustration, I very luckily found a friend with a resin printer and then found a free file of the mk1 cannons! It's like the omnissiah is guiding. So, when I get them, I'll get the model finished, primed and then see what It looks like. The prime will show up the imperfections I can then sand and sort ready for paint.