Land Raider Spartan

Loose Loser

Don't forget to use the gloves. Milliput is insanely messy. Is that Blue Stuff that rock solid? Milliput isn't that soft.


Yes, the blue stuff does cool and become extremely firm, but still has a small amount of rubbery pliability to it. You can certainly make 2 part press moulds from it and all but crush it in a vice to press together and it will hold up if in a chunky block. It's reasonable stuff, but for professional model making/recasting, mm, I feel not.

The miliput is somewhat brittle I've found, I don't think it would last long on a well played with model. I did however see somewhere about mixing it with green stuff and having a compound that gives the crisp edges of the 'put but with a more robust elasticity of the 'stuf. I didn't do that in my haste. But something to note and try out in the future. The time it has taken me just faffing about with a press mould and pea sized bit of 'put and a stick. I've seen some really amazing sculpting work around here, the zoat comes to mind and the green stuff tutorials. Such patients and craft you lot have.

So here is where we are at. First pass on the filling, no sanding or second fill yet. Still very rough but once again, I must again thank you lot for your advice and suggestions and encouragement. While the tracks will never be perfect they will look good/reasonable on the table top and soOoOoOo much better than the track covers. Much more in keeping with the spirit of the vehicle.


Fimm McCool

Yeah nice work. I think the slightly rough/chipped edge of the milliput does a good job of making the tracks look like they've chugged across miles of desert. Maybe consider roughing up the edges of the original plastic tracks a bit to match?


Thanks you lot! :grin:

I've got the tracks finished and looking reasonable. I'm quite happy with them. As said before I was going down the track cover route because I didn't have the confidence of this outcome. But, yeh, thanks to the advice/push here and a little perseverance, we didn't it and it is exactly the look I wanted. Last lot of pics in the raw, before paint.

Now, an iconic aspect of the Spartan is its quad lascannons! I currently have the original pair of duel but try getting some original 1988 sets of those to stick together. No problemo, I've got the blue stuff! Well, in full disclosure that not everything goes to plan with ease. I failed every replica. I've even used the blue stuff in a mould box, made guide pins in both halves of the press mould but I could just never get an equal half print or for both halves to line up exactly.

But, alas, just as I was scratching my head in frustration, I very luckily found a friend with a resin printer and then found a free file of the mk1 cannons! It's like the omnissiah is guiding. So, when I get them, I'll get the model finished, primed and then see what It looks like. The prime will show up the imperfections I can then sand and sort ready for paint.


Sadly, the images aren't opening up for me and I cannot see the mad mad loveliness I suspect is there. Anyone else having this problem?


For Symphonicpoet, hopefully with this posts differing image host you can get a look in at it so far.

Still waiting on the weapons to be printed so, no progress further as of yet.


^Perfect! Looking lovely. I think you're doing a fantastic job of making the original Spartan concept just a tad more practical. It definitely captures the Spartan spirit, while still looking like a classic Land Raider. Very nice!


My mate sent me the quad lascannons. They were great! maybe just a tad large, as my spartan is not quite as long as "THE" spartan, it accentuates their sizes but they are good examples of the originals. I bloody dropped one and broke it already. F**K sake! Anyway, that can be pinned together later. Tank needs a prime to show up the imperfections. Looks alright but as you can see, there are some shallow lines that need filling and sanding back.



I'm really enjoying watching this model come together. It's looking really good, other than as you pointed out the minor lines on the extension you'd never know it wasn't supposed to always look like that.

Have you got a paint scheme in mind yet?


Thank you for the comments! :)

Life's got a bit busy of late, so limited progress. Filled and sanded the seams a few times so they are smooth and wont show through the paint. Oh and fixed the snapped off lascannon with a pin.

As for colour, well, I was thinking of an off white. Basically something neutral so I can use it for the Inquisitor retinue but also in other armies without "issue". The off white also marries up with the Inquisitors colour scheme who would be riding it.

I hoping to get this painted up over the xmas hols. Looking forward to it!


Finally got some paint on the beast.

Got me some nice purple doors

I was going for a yellow stripe but a test piece of masking tape took some of the purple off. I'll never be able to hide the texture of the paint now :(

And the tape took some of the white too. Damn it. Washed, undercoated, painted, dried, matt varnish and still took some of the paint off. Going to need me some of that low tac tamia stuff.


Still slowly working on this and enjoying it. I tried out oil washes for the first time and I rather like them for workability and easy clean up. Drying time is obviously the trade off but still, I like them. Makes for easy weathering of the imperfections and where the paint came off. :/
