Imperial Orks

I have been busy...



Still in the prototype stages with it really.


Blue in VT

wait...wait....Imperial guard orks? :o that is a brilliant idea! They are looking quite good too....though I would love to see more "RT" heads for them...sadly it would be a sin to cut up a bunch of old RT models.

I look forward to seeing where this leads.


I agree with you on the RT heads. The head there is only a placeholder on this early iteration prototype.

Final build will see a more RT style head and the legs finished with proper Oomieforms on the arms also. I plan on making a number of heads. These are compatible with current plastics but I could well make a non-compatible version which would be closer to the RT era Orks.

No antique figures were harmed in the making of this Boy :grin: .

I will eventually do a limited resin cast run of them for interested forum members - I don't see these having a wide appeal outside of the community to be honest but as I was going to go to a LOT of trouble to make them in the first place I may as well plan to share with the rest of you boyz.


No IG helmet should be any different from that one !

I've never been on the green side of things but making them IG just brings my interest up... Oh and whenever I see brilliant modelling at display like here I just want to applause (stands and applauses)
Cheers guyz!

You are quite right Blue, the goggles are very important for the look which is a little bit like the contemporary American forces or WWII Wermacht dessert kits (no corelation implied!). I am lucky enough to have a good sized collection of Copplestone IG to study from and I note a fair bit of subtle variation in uniform. I plan to have some variance in the exact style of goggles as I would like the Orks to look a little bit more rag tag than the humans who will fight along side them and a bit of funny goggles will really help to sell the characterful nature of the boyz.

I would like to equip them with a sort of Orky version of a lasgun - obviously the first thing the meks do with imperial lasgun tech is up the charge to dangerous levels which a puny 'Oomie would be unable to 'andle, equivalent to a hot-shot.

I could happily sculpt all manner of crazyness for this theme. The beauty of doing it with the components approach is that you will be able to get just the bits you are interested in for conversions or whatever you want e.g. if you wanted to make Imperial Ork Boarboyz you could kitbash my torsos and heads with GW boar riders. Victoria miniatures is a good proponent of this approach, Victoria Lamb FTW.


Did I mention one of them should have a pair of Aviator Rayban shades? Well I should have then... The leader should definitely have some...

For the lasguns, I could see orks holding 3 or 4 joined with Duct-tape with added batteries to gve this little boost laser weapons need (in ork mentality).
Multi-barrel duct tape is a good idea. Sounds like this is headed towards the kustum shootaz style of things.

Oddly enough we have a pair of original Aviator Rayban shades in one of the exhibits on clothing and fashion which I can study in detail - must be a sign from Mork!

I have designed the helmet to be a sort of standard part, it being Imperial issue and a one size fits all sort of thing. I will then carefully "weather" the helmet a bit so that it looks good and bent out of shape and orky and add on any kustom detail to it to vary the look of the heads rather than trying to re-sculpt the helmet to match - which seems rather difficult to me to get right. The face will be sculpted onto the helmet along with some groovy goggles, cigars, pipes, eye patches, Raybans etc. Eventually I will end up with a decent selection of heads that match up for size and style. Note that the chin straps are absent from this guy at the moment but will make an appearance in the later sculpts - more likely dangling loose rather than rigidly tied up.


Obviously I love this sort of thing. Great work so far, and I'll be following with interest.

You may want to consider sculpting your own version of the 'commissar' type RT orks (or as I'll insist is appropriate, "commisorks").
Indeed Orjetax, the Commisork concept is tempting. I am holding off on that one for now as there are a good selection of suitable models to represent Commisorks available, but I might eventually look at doing one to match in with these guys following a similar style to the "better looking" commissars. There will be no modern Liberace looking Commissars in this orks army, no-sir.


The painted guy is badass Seán, great work. I think that is a pretty convincing proof of concept :grin:

To be honest, I think that a set of matching legs may not be required.

Goggles on every single one is my vote and the dangling chinstraps are a must on a few of them too. A multibarreled, or combined lasgun might be the way to go, possibly two or three linked together but with the end piece of the barrel like a larger version of the piece on the standard, 80s, stockless lasgun.

A Kommisork would be nice, but as there are a few suitable figures knocking around already, sticking to the troopers is probably best. Although if I am honest I really want to see an Adeptus Mekaniakus...


cheetor":d6w0fw87 said:
To be honest, I think that a set of matching legs may not be required.
To be honest, I really think the legs have to go... and not in a Steefan Horking kind of way. =) He'd be much better of with a properly 80's orky gait. I'm not too keen on the Donald Duck walking style:

Apart from that, the model looks GREAT! Nice job, Sean!


phreedh":1rljd17s said:
I'm not too keen on the Donald Duck walking style

Someone somewhere said that with the roaring faces and the weird pose that each and every ork looks like he has just done a "liquid fart". Since I heard that, its all that I can see :grin:

phreedh":1rljd17s said:
To be honest, I really think the legs have to go...

Conceptually, I am with you: the "S" shaped body pattern has always been weird. Its whether sculpting and casting legs that dont conform to that is a worthwhile expenditure of resources (but my sources tell me that Sean has started a set so its moot really).


This looks great. And a quick job, too! Brilliantly capture the RT IG vibe.
And a different look for orks, where the 'human military' design aesthetic usually apes a WWII or WWI style.

here you've got them emulating their contemporary human examples. Distinguishes your work.

@phreedh: love your reference to my boy Steefan Horking!
Thanks for the feedback guys! I never realised that Donal Duck shared a posture with the current greenskins design. Interestingly there are a number of ork models which don't suffer so much from the S-bend such as some of the Gorkamorka Nobz and the Metal Nobz from about the time when the fist new wave ork plastics came out, they are really useful as source material. Glad I seem to be getting the look correct, it gives me a deep sense of satisfaction to see this guy in all his helmeted goggled glory. It's a model I always wanted - hell, I want an army of them! It will be a laugh kitbashing them with the other ork kits such as Stormboyz or Boarboyz (how is dat fer rough riderz).

All valid points about the legs and S-bend orks. As Cheetor mentioned I have a set of legs on the operating table at the moment. It has been somewhat challenging to integrate them to the torso but I am getting there. The ideal would be to get cross compatibility between the legs, I am a believer in giving the converter/painter as many options as possible. I would like to cover a more upright ork design in the legs I make. Obviously the orks I am working on are large in comparison to the RT era ones just as modern orks are but what can ye do if you want to give the compatibility options to da kustumer. Once I improve my skills a wee bit more I might try my hand at making a more classically scaled legs and torso that don't look so huge beside the older models. I can justify this as they can represent ork Yoofs - the equivalent of Whiteshields which should be slighter of build to the veteran orks. They will get smaller piddly standard issue imperial flashlights I suppose.

For now it is probably best to focus on getting the torso design correct. There are a couple of issues I need to work out such as bringing the neck a tiny bit forward, super-detailing the zip and reducing some of the squareness about the flanks (you probably didn't notice any of that stuff though).

The helmet part I am happy with and it will serve well as a base which I can sculpt variants onto, I want to keep to a standard helmet design to give a nice uniform feel to the models. Goggles will vary a little because they are such fun to sculpt - and the orks are probably always loosing them and replacing them with new ones. Chin straps hanging are the way to go with these guys - might do some orks with the straps done up, that seems to be pretty nerdy by ork standards though, perhaps on the Sarge...will see about that one later. Ohh yeah and bloody awesome aussie style cowboy hats is a must, especially for Da Ruff-Rideaz types!


So in summary there is a good bit of work to do to get them into shape for casting, but get them into shape I will do as Mork and Gork are my witness :mrgreen: .

@ Orjetax - as far as I know the roots of these designs is really from the 2000AD aesthetic which GW nicked back in the 80's. There is something of the contemporary in them though I agree. Modern uniforms seem to be all goggles and knee pads now 8-) . I guess in 10 years they will look more like Steefan Horking :grin:
OK I have been leaving this project on the long finger for too long, the world needs Imperial Greenskins!

WIP for first couple of heads. These are actually my first work on making ork heads, there is some cleanup needed but these 2 are nearly done, I plan to do another 8 with characterful expressions, a "green tide" they are not:

First one


Second one



In stereo

Proto Lazslugga - note, must be able to double as a rock in close quarters

Proto Lazshoota - the classic IG shoota is a far too weedy for any self respectin' ork, this one is the mekboyz take on a classic design (it's a bit bigger for smashin' over 'eads) which will accommodate a proper stabby rippy thing on the end.

Torso iteration #2 to replace the earlier prototype torso in order to address some issues



I am looking forward to adding some career professional greenskins to my Boyz when these come out.

I'm glad that you are back working on them :)