Fimm's painted models


I think the markings are kinda the difference between someone who can do display standard miniature work for his army, then someone who just toys around and tries their best ^_^ I'm getting better but I'm sure if I got enough skull or kinda desire to get that good on mass.

Fimm McCool

Just give it a bash on a couple of models. Thin but not too watery paint, a decent point to the brush and simplify the geometric shapes. You'd be surprised how a couple of marks on three or four models out of a unit of 20 makes it feel like they all have them.

Fimm McCool

More gobbos for your entertainment. As always hit The Blog.



It always startles me with your goblins; although you are using the "wrong" color scheme, and I would expect to think "What is this?", you use details, characteristics, chichés, whatever that still make you think "night goblin" immediately.

Besides great painting skill, also great artistic skill :)

Fimm McCool

There's more to a night gobbo than a black dress. ;) I think it's hard to paint a Kev gobbo and not have it look classic. If you try hard (paint it as a smurf or in white caucasian skin tone) you can disguise them but you have to want to.