Epic Space Marines


I can confirm back then you used to get some metal Marines thrown in with blisters and with mail order parts. I have a few, enough to make 4 bases. They are pretty much the same size as the new scale.


ah... so you can remove figures when they are taken out... well.. at 6mm tall, that isn't gonna happen cause they would get lost easily.. unless I magnet them.. mm.. lets see what I got and what I can do..


yeah, but when I look at the stat cards I got which say 'when you unit 5 marines is cut down to 3, then roll a moral check, it gets messy keeping track of how many are taken out of a unit if you don't remove minis like with normal 25/28mm ^_^;


this would be Space Marine 2nd in 1991 though I think some of the issue is my misunderstanding of the rules as I don't play..

for example.. A Space Wolf blood claws Pack says a pack is 5 Blood Claws.. fair enough.. 5 mins.. but then says the unit of broken once it has lost 3 troop stands.. Just checking the rule book.. troop stand is a base of 5 minis... which has slightly confused me as.. a pack of 1 troop stand, yet the unit brakes when you lose 3 troop stands? ... yeah, i'm very confused ^_^;

when they say a pack is 5 Blood Claws.. they mean 5 troop stands? so.. a unit would be... 25 minis?