Demon Frogman Eagle Warrior WIP

Aiteal":2yf2cuh4 said:
For separate hands, I'm a big fan of Bill 'Musketeer' and Pickford's Chaos dwarf way of doing it.
Having painted far too many saga vikings, bretons and irish minis with open hands to glue weapons into, the pin/plug ended swappable hand/weapons were a god send.

Open hands just doesn't look right to my eyes. Socketed hands is definitely the way to go for me....and on that subject:




Aiteal":3o6wc0vt said:

You really have run out of superlatives. :lol:

Don't blow your load yet as I should have him pretty much finished this weekend if I keep the focus up. Then I have to consider casting options, I have no idea of how much demand there is for Eagle Warriors (aside from the couple of the other Slannatics on the forum. It is probably most economic to continue sculpting a small range of Demon Frogmen models before going the metal casting route, which I have no problem doing but that will take me several months of work first.

I do think it is important to keep the cost per model as low as possible, nobody wants to pay for 30 of these guys at £10 a pop!


That really sounds like something worth waiting for :) One day I will be able to field enough Slann to play the Magnificent Sven scenario as it was intended.


He looks fantastic! A real tribute to your perseverance...great result. Now, where's that tech weapon?


Zhu Bajie

That's really good man. The big-head Slann isn't quite my cup of tea, but you've done a top notch job on the sculpt! Bravo!
@ Aiteal - how many does the Sven scenario call for?

axiom":1300r64c said:
He looks fantastic! A real tribute to your perseverance...great result. Now, where's that tech weapon?


Thanks dude. I was thinking along the lines of a neuro disruptor 8-) . Just have to work out the best way to make one (probably slowly :razz: ). Should be straight forward enough to make a high-tech smashy stick like a power maul for him also. I will have a go at more dedicated high tech Frogmen when I get more comfortable with the degenerate ones. Smart build methodology should crossover between both styles - building common dolly's or press-moulds for example.

Zhu Bajie":1300r64c said:
That's really good man. The big-head Slann isn't quite my cup of tea, but you've done a top notch job on the sculpt! Bravo!

Cheers Zhu. I plan to try vary the body shape a bit between models as that is the way they were drawn in the old artwork. Some of these guys have upright stances and some have their heads thrust forwards. I am a fan of the variety in sizes and shapes in this artwork and view it as a feature to include in the Demon Frogmen.



Looking good Sean,

Particularly like how you used the original concept art work to develop the model, still one of the best "outside of the box" series of models they ever made in my opinion; just tell me when? :grin:

All the best

Paul / Golgfag1


theottovonbismark":1kbw2mx3 said:
@ Aiteal - how many does the Sven scenario call for?

About 70 iirc, I've got close to 50 slann now, and for the actual scenario models I have Gurgll and his hobhound, Riolta, Sven, Juggo, Aygar and Karra. With more than enough norsemen from my saga warbands.
Problem is I get so little time to paint these days, I'm lucky to get 4-5 models done on a good week, and I just can't bring myself to slap the paint on, quickshade and dry brush them.

So, to be realistic, alongside my slowly growing hobgoblin horde i'll just have to settle for a few small painted lustrian warbands of norse, slann and amazons for the next few years :)
@ Paul - hopefully the when will not be too long a wait :).

@ Aiteal - A series of small warbands is a much more pleasurable pursuit than the drudgery of working through a horde army. Once you have them done you have several decent cores of a much larger forces potentially. I know what you mean about the painting speed, 4 - 5 models in a week is a decent enough a production rate but I am sure we all agree that you really need the painting muse to be with you on that week ;).
Lots of work on the body since last we posted. Worked the beak again a little as it was starting to look more like a "Chicken Warrior". I will finish the hands properly when wrists are finished.






:shock: Impressive really ! He looks the business !
I would have had trouble imagining a violent toad in a bird suit but you clearly had a good picture of it and now it's taken shape we can see you had it right (not to mention the ever improving GS skill).
Thanks guys. Everything I work on seems to end up looking mean. One of my friends once joked that even my High Elves looked like they hang out on street corners, looking for trouble :grin: . As long as he doesn't end up looking like this guy I will be happy:



Asslessman":3co91sc9 said:
I would have had trouble imagining a violent toad in a bird suit

Lucky you. I havent slept properly for nearly thirty years because of dreams of Flappy Mc Hop-Jump ;)

Great progress Seán. Im looking forward to seeing the little guy in hand hand.
Tasty frogs, or as I imagine the French say "chicken of the swamp", eh Asslessman? :)

Wait till I model some Demon Frogmen eating KFH (Kentucky Fried Human) :twisted. Here we have what is obviously an ancient alien feeding his lobotomized hooman slaves on tasty "long pig":

