Demon Frogman Eagle Warrior WIP


blurry pics alert
offer still stands if you want me to post you one or two to reference pm me your address
it'll save you the 12quid and 4quid p&p cost and it might give you some ideas re: eagle head dresses
@Cheetor - Cheers dude. Lots of practice making Zardork helped ;). Looking at Kev Whites WIP's actually helped me a lot also, seeing how he builds up, in a very anatomical style, from the very bones through the muscle groups up to the surface, he is deadly.

Aiteal":1exuyp4g said:
blurry pics alert
offer still stands if you want me to post you one or two to reference pm me your address
it'll save you the 12quid and 4quid p&p cost and it might give you some ideas re: eagle head dresses

Actually it wouldn't hurt at all for extra reference. I will PM you so, thanks again. The photos are a big help with the next bits I need to do. I was able to do the below based on the pictures I found on the web:




Next stages are to work on the feathered parts of the helmet as well as continuing adding feathers to the body. The suit should also have some sort of belting at the back that is used to put it on, like on the foundry model. I like the big loincloth thing on the front also. I will start on the weapons soon, as separate pieces modelled with the hand. I kind of like the idea of 3 fingered Frogmen rather than the 4 fingered Slann, but I guess I could do both and see. This pose should allow a couple of weapon options, such as spear throwers, swords, shield, dagger perhaps even a double handed weapon - even a laspistol I guess ;).


I like it, the face is just perfect, and although I was a little worried the head-dress would cover up too much of it, so far it's not so large to do so.
You should really get these casted up Sean, out of curiosity, if you're following the later 3rd edition pose/dimensions do you think he would sit snugly enough on a cold one?
Or better still one of those Razor-beaks that Reaper sells for a nice price before they add on their insane p&p charges.
Aiteal":19gkm6qv said:
I like it, the face is just perfect, and although I was a little worried the head-dress would cover up too much of it, so far it's not so large to do so.
You should really get these casted up Sean, out of curiosity, if you're following the later 3rd edition pose/dimensions do you think he would sit snugly enough on a cold one?
Or better still one of those Razor-beaks that Reaper sells for a nice price before they add on their insane p&p charges.

I am trying to take care to just frame the head with some feathery parts of the headdress to keep the expression of the model in focus. I have shifted a lot of the headdress bulk towards his back - much like the foundry ones.

Funny you mention sitting on a cold one because I was thinking that if I do the loincloth on him like the foundry ones he will loose that ability. As he is now, cast in lead he would easily fit on a cold one. I can always do a specific cold one rider later on, they are different in the background from the totem warriors. Not sure about fitting on a Razer-beak, but I would assume if a regular Slann would fit, then so would this guy. He is scaled deliberately large, being a big elite guy, regular guys will be a little bit smaller for that part time soldier feel.

Having discussed this with FimmMcCool before I got the impression that casting only seems to be economic when you have enough greens to do it. I would need at least 8 models ready, which will take me a wee while yet, but I am determinedly getting quicker and more skilled as I go so it might not take so long to get a decent selection of proxy models done up. I would like to work on an Alligator Warrior and perhaps some regular spawn bands types. I think I can make a cool looking alligator armoured warriors, I even have concept sketches for that one ;).

I will keep my sculpting focus squarely on this niche of models in any event, there just are not any decent frogmen out there that will scratch that particular John Blanche style Slann itch for me, I assume others feel likewise.


theottovonbismark":532w8rbk said:
I will keep my sculpting focus squarely on this niche of models in any event, there just are not any decent frogmen out there that will scratch that particular John Blanche style Slann itch for me, I assume others feel likewise.

Absolutely, the 2nd edition pre-slotta models in particular have those nice almost boar like tusk/teeth thing going for them that Blanche's art perfected, but the poses are very static, and the models small.
For me, heaven would be blanche style slann on mounts with plenty of feathered back standards armed with water scythes.
Nothing in the way of visual inspiration, but a few weeks back I was thinking of Slann/Lustria/fallen races when reading the sailor on the seas of fate again, particularly the creatures attacking Elric's boat in the third story, it's good inspiration for imagining Sven and the Volkswagon taking on Slann guerrillas on one of his many well paying river runs :)
Yeah I like the 2nd edition models a lot myself. I think he is probably 3rd edition but the animal handler for the cold one warhounds is an excellent sculpt. He is a tall bugger as well. If I stick to the Blanche designs I can't go far wrong. I like that he has a lot of variation between individual Slann, some are shorter and fatter, some are taller and narrower of face. Makes sense since frogs are very diverse organisms by nature. I must confess I haven't read any Moorcock, I should really remedy that soon :oops: .

It is easy to make these guys infantry/riders if they have the wide leg pose and it makes economic sense for some of them to double up as infantry and cavalry, wouldn't want that pose on every guy though, that would be silly ;) .

I will get this guy finished off first and then see about making a dual infantry cold one rider perhaps. I would like to try for the beaten copper plates style armour on the next build.


A good choice imho, the larger feathers have enough definition to help out the painter, i'm plugging away on C32 Allda tonight after a few beers and the detail on his head-dress feathers is giving my already slightly blurry vision some problems.
I'm almost at the point where i'm just gonna dry-brush the sod :)
I like the almost dreadlock look of what you've done so far, like he's an elite Slann warrior, and wouldn't lower himself to decorate his head-dress with anything smaller than the feathers of a big alpha Culchan's feathers, one he killed and claimed the hero's portion of at the feast.
Aiteal":3b7hbbcn said:
A good choice imho, the larger feathers have enough definition to help out the painter, i'm plugging away on C32 Allda tonight after a few beers and the detail on his head-dress feathers is giving my already slightly blurry vision some problems.
I'm almost at the point where i'm just gonna dry-brush the sod :)
I like the almost dreadlock look of what you've done so far, like he's an elite Slann warrior, and wouldn't lower himself to decorate his head-dress with anything smaller than the feathers of a big alpha Culchan's feathers, one he killed and claimed the hero's portion of at the feast.

Allda is a nice model, don't have that one myself....yet :). I always stop when I get the blurry eyes as it is the point of diminishing return.

I like that about the alpha Culchans feathers. Feathers were a luxury item in mezzo-american society and elite warriors would be festooned in them. I will slowly layer out these feathers, getting smaller as they work up to the beak of the headdress. This is slow going as I need to wait for each layer to dry. Hopefully the details will look decent enough. I feel there is probably a better way to make the feathers using a press moulding technique but they look OK for now I think.
Thanks Blue. I also have something of a frogman obsession as you might have noticed ;) . I am quite pleased with how this guy is turning out so far and I have learned a lot from working on him. I am keen to get him finished off soon but, like painting, the last mile can stretch out to 10 miles in a struggle for quality :) .


I'm running out of superlatives. Stunning work Sean, I dunno if I'm more jealous than impressed.
He fits perfectly, style wise, with the official minis, something to be very proud of.
Cheers lads :) .

It's important for him to fit in with the earlier guys closely in terms of his design (or my army would look a little weird ;) ). I have to add the belt/loincloth thing to him, finish and then tidy up the feather suit, work on the shield face, weapons and the associated hands attached to the weapons before he nears completion.
Got work done on the sword and shield for this guy. Once the sword is finished off, tonight, I can start adding a hand to the grip. This assembly will be a separate cast piece to the body with the intention of having weapon options. Most of the shield is sculpted now, the challenge here will be figuring out an optimal way to put it together with a hand and with the fan of feathers which projects from the lowest part of the shield. No pics today as I was up way too late sculpting. I will take some more after tonight's session.


For separate hands, I'm a big fan of Bill 'Musketeer' and Pickford's Chaos dwarf way of doing it.
Having painted far too many saga vikings, bretons and irish minis with open hands to glue weapons into, the pin/plug ended swappable hand/weapons were a god send.