Decaying Wonderland - Oldhammer meets Secession

symphonicpoet:2a8hczjd said:
I think quite a lot of us are sympathetic. I try to help out when I can. But we don't always have money/energy to spare from our own bills/troubles.
I somewhat overgeneralized due to extreme distress. Should have said vast majority of people.

Fimm McCool:2a8hczjd said:
I think that's likely not true. Don't confuse a lack of response with a lack of care or even of interest, especially online where who knows who sees what or has time to engage.
I'm sorry that things are tough for you. :(
I was posting information about general situation for years and about the current crisis stage since late January. I'm pretty sure that between Instagram, Tumblr and here it was seen by hundreds of people.


A new artwork. Took me 1h5m of work to draw. Currently 2h42m left in work budget. Thanks to all who donated and made this all possible.

I’ve been doing a lot of exercise work lately and I think it’s starting to pay off when it comes to my drawing ability.


A new artwork. Took me 49m of work to draw. Currently 2h42m left in work budget. Thanks to all who donated and made this all possible.

Drawn with Sakura Gelly Roll gel pen on Bristol.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
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A new artwork. Took me 28m of work. Currently 10h of work budget remaining.

Drawn on 170gsm ivory Lessebo paper with Sakura Gelly Roll gel pen.


A new artwork. Took me 26m of work. Currently 10h of work budget remaining.

Drawn on Hi-Bulky paper with a gel pen.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
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I particularly like the first two you posted there, and especially the fellow with the light/sensor array on his helmet. Great stuff! Keep it up. You're getting better all the time.
symphonicpoet:3t2k97mv said:
I particularly like the first two you posted there, and especially the fellow with the light/sensor array on his helmet. Great stuff! Keep it up. You're getting better all the time.
Thanks. I was working a lot on improving. The first two? Which ones are these?


A new artwork. Took me 21m of work. Currently 3h49m of work budget remaining. (at that point I had 1h17m of work budget remaining so I was drawing quicker to make it last longer)

Drawn on Hi-Bulky paper with a gel pen.

Feeling really down lately. Did a decaying wonderland piece with more decay than usual.


A new artwork. Took me 31m to draw. Currently 3h49m of work budget remaining.

Drawn on Hi-Bulky paper with a gel pen. This one scanned surprisingly well, so I was able to keep paper colour.

Feeling really down lately. Did a decaying wonderland piece with way more decay than usual.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
I'm running out of work budget and also feeling super depressed and hopeless.
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This one:


And the one with it. Sometimes your composition is very dark and I have a hard time picking out the subject from the other linework, but those two have a very nice, clear composition and a solid sci-fi gothic aesthetic. The balance of lighter areas with relatively simple linework and darker areas with more detail and crosshatch helps to draw the eyes to interesting subjects. And the inclusion of small and subtle elements like the stems of the fan flowers, the details on the tanks, and the backpack help to reward me for looking at the image for a little longer. Great stuff!
symphonicpoet:1v5ppz8l said:
And the one with it. Sometimes your composition is very dark and I have a hard time picking out the subject from the other linework, but those two have a very nice, clear composition and a solid sci-fi gothic aesthetic. The balance of lighter areas with relatively simple linework and darker areas with more detail and crosshatch helps to draw the eyes to interesting subjects. And the inclusion of small and subtle elements like the stems of the fan flowers, the details on the tanks, and the backpack help to reward me for looking at the image for a little longer. Great stuff!
Will have to remember about stuff like this when it comes to composition.


A new artwork. Took me 18m of work. After it I had enough work budget left for one drawing exercise session and was out of work budget for. Currently 1h50m of work budget remaining.

With more decay because I feel super depressed lately.


A new artwork. Took me 36m of drawing + 11m of preparatory sketching. 22m of work budget remaining. Currently 1h50m of work budget remaining.

Drawn on 120gms Gamma Accademia paper with Sakura Gelly Roll gel pen. Finally found my pen. It’s running out, though.

Another super-decayed Decaying Wonderland drawing. Feeling really down lately. Really depressed.

I kept running out of work budget. Also was feeling super depressed since I didn't have spending money since my birthday and before that winter holidays so I couldn't improve my mood by buying stuff, so it's just a downward spiral.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
I'm feeling super depressed. Lost my passion for Wh40k because most vast majority of 40k fans is extreme right and worships social Darwinism (like I'm also on Instagram and Tumblr). I guess it comes with territory of being nihilistic grimdark dystopia. Doesn't teach right values. Like I'm still into Oldhammer and Inq28 aesthetics but 40k setting itself lost its appeal to me.
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A new artwork. Took me 55m of work. 16h2m of work budget remaining. Thanks to all who donate and make it all possible. Currently 40m of work budget remaining.

Drawn on Gamma Schizzi paper with Pilot B2P gel pen. Unfortunately the paper got mangled, so no original.

Decaying Wonderland. Has some more somber themes of death with all the fossils. I have recently thought it’s the end already and it reminded me of fossils.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
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Two pages of Decaying Wonderland sketches I drew on 20230504. Took me 31m and 18m of work. 4h22m of work budget remaining.

I was drawing sketches of a gardener-explorer. On the first page I was exploring different lightening levels.

On the second one I was checking proportions and exploring different flower designs.

At that point I was starting experiencing increasing difficulties with doing new artworks. Turns out it's possibly because of low grade CO poisoning.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
It's 11th and we're only at 8% of the goal. Feeling super depressed.
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At that point I was starting experiencing increasing difficulties with doing new artworks. Turns out it's possibly because of low grade CO poisoning.
Did some experiment with washing dishes with closet bathroom door and got 200ppm of CO in my bathroom. So, yeah. Tomorrow someone from administration will come to check out the ventilation. It shouldn't happen since the gas stove is supposed to shut down if fumes are leaking to the bathroom. Ugh.


A new artwork. Took me 30m of drawing and 13m of preparatory sketches. 2h31m of work budget remaining. Thanks to all who donate and make it all possible. Currently 41m of work budget remaining.

Drawn on Bristol with Sakura Pigma Micron technical pen.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
Still at 8%. Depressing. Also, almost out of work budget. It makes production of new artworks stall.
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A page of sketches for Decaying Wonderland I drew yesterday. Took me 27m of work. 9h5m of work budget remaining at the end of yesterday. Currently 3h20m of work budget remaining.

I had a long pause in more serious work because I had no work budget remaining. Just was doing some doodles which I didn’t even bother to scan/upload.

Drew a page of sketches with Sakura Pigma Micron pen on light Bristol.

This was after a week from the previous drawing.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
So, yeah I got some refill of work budget but it won't last for long.
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A new Decaying Wonderland artwork. Took me 28m of work to draw. 7h4m of work budget remaining. Currently 1h15m of work budget remaining.

Drawn on Bristol with Sakura Pigma Micron technical pen.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
Work budget is running out.
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20230515, posted on 20230523

A page of sketches for Dacaying Wonderland from 20230515. Took me 41m of work. 12h42m of work budget remaining. Currently OUT OF WORK BUDGET.

I have a bit of a hard time with keeping up with uploads. Like I pretty much gave up on my studyblr posts. I stopped being able to keep up with them at 20230428 and I just can’t catch up.

Drew a page of sketches with Sakura Pigma Micron pen on light Bristol. Lately I’m using Sakura Pigma Micron pens for sketching much more because I have six of them thanks to my supporters.
Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
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Took me 29m to draw and 20m of preparatory sketches. 6h27m of work budget remaining.
Sakura Pigma Micron technical pen on Bristol.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
Has a side effect of enabling production of more artworks.
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A new artwork. Took me 47m to draw in three sessions yesterday and today. 3h13m of work budget remaining.Sakura Pigma Micron 02 on Light Bristol.
Today I was more disciplined. I haven't done any coding until I drew today's artwork (was drawing much less lately because I'm trying to learn programming and web development at least a bit).
I wanted to return to visual richness of works from early this year and late 2022. I have an impression my recent works got too austere.

Then I did a quick webpage with it utilizing my current knowledge.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
Has a side effect of enabling production of more artworks.
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A new artwork. Took me 26m of work, 1h40m of work budget remaining.

Sakura Pigma Micron 02 on Gamma Schizzi paper.

Continuing to abstain from coding until I'll draw a new drawing or page of sketches. I first wanted it to be a page of sketches but after drawing the character I decided to make a whole artwork.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help.
Has a side effect of enabling production of more artworks.
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New drawing, this one took me a lot of work:
Linking my ko-fi since it's over 1mb. Right-click and save the image to view as ko-fi doesn't display them well at their original size.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help. Right now I'm getting more help from my mother but she's just one person.
Has a side effect of enabling production of more artworks.
So, yeah, I managed to run out of work budget during drawing again. So far it took me 30m of preparatory sketches and 56m of drawing.

Due to mystery country's governments deliberate and genocidal policy of starving disabled and unneeded people I need community's help to buy food and medicines, if you're opposed to genocide, please help. Right now I'm getting more help from my mother but she's just one person.
Has a side effect of enabling production of more artworks.
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