Chico's 6mm goodness


More SM's LC.. you have enough to sink Ork Battleship heh. Taking a break from Orks today to work on some Epic Buildings.. nothing major just painting of the plastic bits and basing on some nice plastic sheet (GW movement tray).

On a annoying note I'm running low on 2p's heh


spacecowsmith":11locsv2 said:
..I must admit that my favorite edition of Epic was Epic 40k as it streamlined the system fantastically and allowed for less vast games. The White Dwarf's of the era even showcased some Epic-40k armies..
So YOU are the ONE guy who liked E40K! :lol:
E40K is often mentioned as the root cause of the demise of Epic; it's what turned my friends off of the game. Rebasing your entire army along with a totally different game system was hard to swallow, even though the minis were great. As a unique system, E40K is fun & uncluttered, but I think Jervis & Andy should have done some marketing research before diving off the deep end. Folks really liked the detail in SM2/TL.

Any plans for fun stuff like Shokk Attack guns or Mekboy gear in your list Chico? Nothing like random Orky dice rolling to add flavor to a fight. ;)


Naagruz":fkojaz7q said:
Any plans for fun stuff like Shokk Attack guns or Mekboy gear in your list Chico? Nothing like random Orky dice rolling to add flavor to a fight. ;)

Yep, I would like 1 of each support card so all the fun stuff, plus cards like Madboyz and Freebooterz are free and only take up a special slot so a few of those are a must (Also good for grabbing objectives).

Skarsnik & Old Lead":fkojaz7q said:
Asslessman":fkojaz7q said:
Chico":fkojaz7q said:
On a annoying note I'm running low on 2p's heh

Good thing you can actually buy them in any shop !

Sometimes for as little as 2p each! :grin:

I went into Natwest Bank and asked if I could change a £10 note for 2p's.. the Bank teller looked at me strange and told me sorry they don't hold 500 2p's.. WTF it's a Bank... grr lol. Now I keep raiding my Wifes change Jar heh
You can never have enough Space Marines... Just ask Horus

I can see you a hundred 2ps for one pound each (I'm using GWs pricing policy as a basis for my business model)


Legiocustodes":2tr90euj said:
You can never have enough Space Marines... Just ask Horus

I can see you a hundred 2ps for one pound each (I'm using GWs pricing policy as a basis for my business model)

Horus had 'nuff Spacey Mareenz but he waz soft, Waaaaaaagh!

Hmm excuse me.. :shock: When your Marines outnumber my Orks there something wrong going on heh ;)
Poor Horus.... He didn't set himself enough hobby time to paint up a few more legions of troops! Therein lies the lesson....always allocate time for your toys!


Wasn't it that he had enough troops but got cocky and let down his shields (I'd never let my shields down if Fulgrim was on my side though ;) ) to his Battle barge and let the Emperor up for a coffee.
It wasn't cocky; the Imperial Forces had held him up for longer than he had planned and he knew reinforcements from the un-engaged legions were about to translate into the Sol System. It was the only gambit he had left....but in hindsight it was a pretty shit one!!


Naagruz":3c5xu837 said:
E40K is often mentioned as the root cause of the demise of Epic; it's what turned my friends off of the game. Rebasing your entire army along with a totally different game system was hard to swallow, even though the minis were great. As a unique system, E40K is fun & uncluttered, but I think Jervis & Andy should have done some marketing research before diving off the deep end. Folks really liked the detail in SM2/TL.

Bland rules combined with the fact that the new models were so expensive most people, like me, said "Nope" and stuck to our existing armies and 2nd edition. The price point for new players was shockingly expensive at the time so trying to convince people that 3x, or even 2x in many cases, 6mm tanks should cost as much as 3x 28mm models just didn't pay off and that's before we take into account how expensive the infantry boxes were. GW blistered some models that you need three of in the game but you had to buy them in packs of two. Talk about taking the piss! Finally, GW did the usual "lets get rid of half the range" thing to most of the armies and completely killed Squats dead and they where hugely popular in 2nd edition. It was all certainly a death blow to the system.


Finished my first piece of Epic Terrain,crap picture but you get the idea



The base itself is hard plastic modular movement tray and I used Super Glue to glue it too the base then as I always have I then Super Glued the sand down (A old trick I learned many many years ago). The glued sand also holds the card firm so its not at all flimsy now.

I recommend everyone trying Super Glue to bond sand to your bases and nothing will shift it during the game. I also Super Glue static flock for the same robustness.


I've got a cheaper solution that works just as well.. paint your bases whatever basecoat using your choice of acrylic paint. Dunk the base into your sand. Wait about two hours for the paint to dry then paint the sand, wash and drybrush. The sand won't budge and it looks good as well. I do superglue my flock though.


bug16":22em0ged said:
I've got a cheaper solution that works just as well.. paint your bases whatever basecoat using your choice of acrylic paint. Dunk the base into your sand. Wait about two hours for the paint to dry then paint the sand, wash and drybrush. The sand won't budge and it looks good as well. I do superglue my flock though.

That's what I used to do before the change to glue I found that while gaming a few knocks use to dislodge the paint held sand. What's maybe helping you though would be the glue soaking into the sand when you add flock for extra strength.

I use this glue too 4 for £1 and it's amazing I swear by it for everything.
