Chico's 6mm goodness


Nice start!
So are you using the SM2 rules? While ridiculous in spots & super-duper ridiculous if you included Titan Legions, that game was fun as heck!
EA is a more sober, clipping-filled experience, but still time well spent.


Yep it's for SM2 for a big game at the Oldhammer Weekend... and there will be titans and gargants and naked fat chicks.. ok maybe not the last one heh.
Looking good Chico. Make sure you can tell the clan detachments from each other or it will be an orky nightmare to use them when they get bunched up during a game. I assume you will replace the red colour with the relevant clan colour when you come to do the other clans?

I would swing towards NetEpic, it is a pretty mature product at this stage and is well laid out rules wise. I liked EA myself but feel that it suffered a little bit as players rarely seemed to know what to do on a given turn (especially marines and eldar) as they had too many similar seeming tactical options. I feel that the SM orders system works well to focus player actions. In the end the enthusiasm for EA just dropped off. I found that the Steel Legion army list could just pound the other armies into the dust with firepower but that could well just be my experience with it. SM is a crazy game really but it's fun as hell to play and the models are great in general. I will turn my attention back to it at some stage when I finish some of the other projects in the work buffer.


Yep your right every Clan will be a different paint scheme but with y now standard sci-fi brown bases, I plan on doing all 6 Clan Cards (7 with a Kult of Speed) in dew time plus support cards, Warboss & Gargants. LC's Marines, Thasants Guard, Bug's (Everything?) armies are all massive so I really need to throw something against them.

As for E40K and EA, they never had much of a following in my parts. E40K did for a year or so after coming out that's it. But I wouldn't say no to trying them out or in the case of E40K playing it again.
Mate.... You're literally an awesome epic production factory!! Impressive!

EA sucked as it just relieved so little support that there was no point collecting it!

I am reading WD216 at the moment which is from the time E40k was popular. It seems okay tbh; but again support dropped off so quickly it neutered it as a system. It's strange really as SM2 was once so popular that it was more supported than WH and WH40K!


Apart from 6 Predators that I've still got to collect (3x mk2's and 3x mk3's if anybody's got those kicking about) I can field every company type from AotI in my Guard army at the same time as well as all the support cards. :grin: It's not all painted yet but it's getting very close to completion.

For the day I've decided that I'm going to field a "pure" guard army so I won't bring any Titans. Please be gentle because without Titans it'll be quite a challenge to not get stomped into the ground! Possibly getting ahead of myself, but as I can only do the Saturday (again) I'll bring between 3-5k of models.

I don't remember Epic40k ever being popular! It sank within about a month of its launch where I lived and gamed. Shame because the models are some of the best GW produced in any modern range imo. I also liked most of the Forgeworld IG range as well purely for the size of the Super Heavys. I quite liked EpicA and I've got a real soft spot for the 'Guard Seige army. I'll paint mine one day. It'll happen. Honest. ;)

Blue in VT

Sorry to be the ignorant one....but what are all these acronyms you guys are throwing around...I'm only familiar with the first set of epic rules that were released in the early 90's... :? can someone summarize what each of these different rules sets is?

I'd be happy to....

1988: A very youthful Jervis Johnson designs and releases a boxed game called 'Adeptus Titanicus' it is an epic scale battle game with an assortment of Warlord Titans fighting amongst some rather crappy styrofoam buildings. Nonetheless the game of 'Giant Fighting Robots' is a hit; unlike 40k it is actually set during the Horus Heresy.

1989: In response to a demand from gamers GW introduce infantry and vehicles in the new 6mm scale. These are codified in the first edition Space Marine box set. Land Raiders; Rhinos and Tactical Space Marines form the components; again this is set during the Heresy and introduces what would become the original legions. Their background is somewhat different to the current canon. In order to allow AT and SM forces to be used together a supplement called Codex Titanicus is released and this deals with some of the grey areas between the two rule sets. Gradually the Eldar and Orks are introduced. More and more units are added with strange rules and eventually the whole thing becomes very complicated.

1991: In a bid to streamline the whole system Space Marine second edition is introduced; for infantry and vehicles things are a lot better however titans became a lot more simplified which some people didn't like and their role in the game was reduced. The game contains marines; Eldar and Orks as starting forces. The rules for all armies are expanded through a variety of boxed supplements; additionally the rules are expanded in White Dwarf; the articles are eventually combined in the 1993 Space Marine Battles Book.

1994: Titan Legions is released; essentially it is a second edition Space Marine supplement to enhance Titans input; but also works as a standalone game.

1997: Epic 40,000 (3rd Edition) is released; the rules are completely different and the models are very high quality however support is dropped within months and the system dies pretty rapidly.

2003: A final attempt to resurrect 6mm gaming is trialled in the form of Epic Armageddon; the boxed game format is gone and instead you only need the rule book. One supplement named Swordwind is released a year later, this introduces the Eldar. Once again support withers rapidly and it is relegated to the online only Specialist Games Range.

2013: After a decade of no support GW pulls the plug on Epic as the Specialist Games Range is discontinued. Exactly 25 years after it's glorious inception 6mm 40k dies peacefully in its sleep; he will be missed and is fondly remembered by all who knew him.


Blue in VT":197rfxog said:
Sorry to be the ignorant one....but what are all these acronyms you guys are throwing around...I'm only familiar with the first set of epic rules that were released in the early 90's... :? can someone summarize what each of these different rules sets is?


Theres been 5 main versions of epic (Not including Adeptus Titianicus)

Space Marine Version 1 - SMV1
Space Marine Version 2 - SMV2
Epic 40.000 - E40K
Epic Armageddon - EA
NetEpic - NetEpic

Space Marine 1 & 2 are much the same beasts which card controlled formations and a simple 3 order system , E40K changed Epic alot you have freedom to make pretty much whatever formations you want (You could make you 40k army in epic if you wished as a warband/formation) and was based on total firepower of the units added up and then cross checked on a chart to see what happens. EA is one step further along to road to E40K lots for commands and updated armies (Tau, Necron). NetEpic is a fan made set of rules which updates SMV2 which new armies and units while still using the card format.

bug16":197rfxog said:
Please be gentle

It's going to be prison style.. spit only! That's if your lucky hehe

Cracking warband there!

I must admit that my favorite edition of Epic was Epic 40k as it streamlined the system fantastically and allowed for less vast games. The White Dwarf's of the era even showcased some Epic-40k armies.

Can't wait to see how you progress!

All the best!

Blue in VT

Great guys...thanks for clearing that up...I always wanted to get into Space Marine but my crew just wasn't into it. I'd give it a try now if I could find an opponent...but I'm not starting another scale right now if I need to collect both forces! :roll:

For now I will content myself with watch you guys build amazing forces.


I was working on some Death Guard recently:


I find that painting epic models has the best time:reward ratio. If you decide to you go the extra mile with painting them it won't take a massive amount of effort and the results are standout, especially with the command figures. In the preceding image, the thing I am happiest with is the command stand with heavy bolter conversion and detailing on the captian. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling when looking at it.

Edit: The NetEpic guys have a decent selection of models in the gallery section which are well worth a look. I have great respect for the overall quality of their output. Everytime I am on that site I feel in danger of falling down the 2nd Edition rabbit hole ;):


theottovonbismark":3ebzwhyq said:
I was working on some Death Guard recently:


I find that painting epic models has the best time:reward ratio. If you decide to you go the extra mile with painting them it won't take a massive amount of effort and the results are standout, especially with the command figures. In the preceding image, the thing I am happiest with is the command stand with heavy bolter conversion and detailing on the captian. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling when looking at it.

Weapon swaps on 6mm infantry?

You sir, are delightfully bonkers! :)
Skarsnik & Old Lead":3og3fneq said:
theottovonbismark":3og3fneq said:
I was working on some Death Guard recently:

Weapon swaps on 6mm infantry?

You sir, are delightfully bonkers! :)


Conversions on this scale are actually very forgiving and they ooze character. This guy actually has the extended ammo backpack, and the left arm holding the heavy bolter sculpted on also. The heavy bolter is a casting from an Epic 40K era metal land speeder (yes that was a bit bonkers I admit but I didn't want to use up the heavy bolter for the speeder and I figured that I would do some more heavy bolter conversions because apparently that's what I need to do to get my kicks these days :grin: ).

Cheetor has in his posession a rough rider commander conversion (done by a mate of his years ago) who is rearing on his horse brandishing a cowboy hat...that was kind of inspirational to me when I saw it, yeah I want some of that level of coolness in my tiny guys too I thought. Perhaps I can convince him to take a picture of the little guy.


Wounderful DeathGuard, stunning in fact :)

Postman knocked on my door today and after a small chat (I used to work as a Postman for a long(ish) time) handed me a few parcels. Not pictured is a large bag of epic buildings as well.

Ah mate; you got yourself some classic reads there! Space Marine Battles is great; and will remind you of a time when White Dwarf staff were able to actually write.

I just received loads more 6mm Space Marine infantry in the post today! I love mini marines!!