Asslessman":2kqmvwgp said:the game just needs a test run now.
Im running a clone of this game with Just John, Mr Saturday and theottovonbismark at a con in Limerick in a little over a week. Hopefully there wont be too many kinks to work out after that.
Asslessman":2kqmvwgp said:We can thank Cheetor a lot for his investment in this game.
Just so that everyone involved in this game is on the same page regarding it, its intended to be a somewhat silly game that rewards heroics and encourages bad impersonations of Hollywood types. A certain amount of randomness (a familiar concept to all with a Warhammer inclination) is by necessity involved. This combined with the small model count per player will mean that some Sensei will be beheaded earlier than others, quite soon in all probablility. Thats just the way it is. Its the price to be paid in order to keep an eight player game ticking over at anything like a decent rate.
Its hopefully going to be goofy, beer & pretzels sort of fun. I am really looking forward to seeing eight individual interpretations of the Immortal/Sensei concept on the same table

Asslessman":2kqmvwgp said:Now I'm off to finish that lightning/explosion solution of mine...
The mind boggles