[BOYL 2014] Proposed event list (8th, 9th and 10th August)


Re: BOYL 2014 Proposed event list

I'd like to run a RoC warbands narrative game, it's something I've always wanted to do. I've got a plan, scenery and motivation to paint up some more lead in preparation. There won't be any play testing in advance though!... Any other RoC players want to run their own narrative game (perhaps based on those in LatD) so we can switch around the role of GM and advance our warbands?

Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this?


Re: BOYL 2014 Proposed event list

Bane, I'm very interested in joining you for some warband action.

I like the sound of your linked, narrative games.


Re: BOYL 2014 Proposed event list

Bane":30m0dzhl said:
I'd like to run a RoC warbands narrative game, it's something I've always wanted to do. I've got a plan, scenery and motivation to paint up some more lead in preparation. There won't be any play testing in advance though!... Any other RoC players want to run their own narrative game (perhaps based on those in LatD) so we can switch around the role of GM and advance our warbands?

Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this?

I've added this to the list. You may want to get in touch with Orlygg, who was also thinking of running a RoC Warbands game.


Re: BOYL 2014 Proposed event list

Hi, Just read your first post and you have my name next to the word "Organiser".
Just to be clear ... I just bring the stadium and expect everyone just to sort themselves out. :grin:
Not so much with the organising going on.


Re: BOYL 2014 Proposed event list

Harry":1psk0bou said:
.. I just bring the stadium and expect everyone just to sort themselves out. :grin:
Not so much with the organising going on.
Noted added in first post.


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Bane / VanLoon: I'm interested in getting stuck in with a RoC warband game or two on at least one of the days (ideally Sat or Sun). I've got a warband I'm currently advancing who will be itching for some fresh opponents or, painting time permitting, I could start a new one.

Who knows, my entire warband may well turn into spawn by August anyway. :grin:


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Hi Vyper,

Sounds good - I'll be looking forward to getting some games in :grin:


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Vyper, VonLoon (plus any others)

I've thought up a scenario I'd like to deliver as a narrative warbands game and I'll try and write up a teasing introduction over the weekend (think: after a larger battle..) I was thinking that it actually doesn't have to be limited to just RoC warbands but also roughly equivalent points of a selection of miniatures, ie an adventuring party, a group of wardancers etc. I'm happy to do this on either the Saturday or the Sunday.
Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

That's a lot of games there. Just as a point of interest, has anyone checked to see how many actual tables there are going to be available?


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list


I'm working on the registration form at the moment, so I'll be checking that shortly. From the table numbers I was given the last time, we're still within capacity. Also, not all the games are happening at the same time, so the spread is smaller.


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Also I've consolidated my siege game into Thantsant's.


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

I've also withdrawn my Strip Nudehammer game dew to people complaining it's just too sexy and they wouldn't be able to control themselves seeing my Godlike (Buddha) Body :)


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

The Danish delegation will also be participating in this year’s BOYL. I have not been following all the discussions closely. Will there be some smaller Warhammer skirmish scenarios? Due to the travel arrangements I need to prepare beforehand which miniatures to bring. Anyone interested in planning something in advance with me?



Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Updated first post

Chico":26dbnjah said:
I've also withdrawn my Strip Nudehammer game due to people complaining it's just too sexy and they wouldn't be able to control themselves seeing my Godlike (Buddha) Body :)

Damn it! I'd bought extra oil to rub on my hairy butt for the twerking phase! :twisted: :o :?

Martin":26dbnjah said:
The Danish delegation will also be participating in this year’s BOYL. I have not been following all the discussions closely. Will there be some smaller Warhammer skirmish scenarios? Due to the travel arrangements I need to prepare beforehand which miniatures to bring. Anyone interested in planning something in advance with me?


The 'Get to the other side' game is small forces and there are some of us bringing RoC Warbands. There are some details in the first post and a link to the 'Get to the Other Side' rules. If these don't interest you and you want to try to gather like minded individuals for some formal or informal games, then start a new thread and I'll link it in the first post.


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Request to organisers:

Please can you post here with any updated info regarding number of players/current players/expected day and time of game.

This will allow me to update the first post without having to read pages and pages of threads.


Chris :grin:


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

Epic Bring and Bash:

Number of players still unknown, updated time: Sat 1pm - 4pm

Judge Dredd - Angel Gang ambush:

Number of Players: 6, updated time: Sat 10pm - 12pm

Naked Time with Antipixi:

Updated time: All night long (Read 3mins including pizza)


Re: [BOYL 2014] Proposed event list

antipixi":1y8t4mec said:
Chico":1y8t4mec said:
Naked Time with Antipixi:

Updated time: All night long (Read 3mins including pizza)

Be careful what you wish for……. :twisted:

Didn't say I was taking part in that game, may GM it though ;)