Sorry if I'm stepping on any toes, but I thought it would be good to have a list of what was intending to go on during the weekend. I know that from my perspective, I need to start planning what I'll try to get involved in; so that I have a hope in hell of painting the minis in time!
I have had a quick trawl through the various threads and this is the list I came up with:
I have added the name of whoever appeared to be most 'in charge' of the events based on the info on the threads. If people post info here, I will try to update the list in this 1st post with relevant info on a regular basis. This would make it easy for people to find.
If I'm over stepping the mark, then I apologise.

I have had a quick trawl through the various threads and this is the list I came up with:
- • Painting contest
• GorkaMorka RT Bash- Organiser -Whiskey Priest
Day - Sat evening/Sun morning
Max players - ???
Current players - 6
• RT Skirmish (Confrontation/Necromunda)- Organiser – Asslessman
Day - Sunday
Max Players - 5 (7?) inscriptions closed
Current players - Asslessman, Whiskey Priest, Cheetor, Antipixi, Axiom, and possibly Legiocustodes and Warlord Paul
• Pirate RT Skirmish- Organiser – Whiskey Priest & Cheetor
Day - Sat morning
Max Players - personal [but other could join]
Current players - Whiskey Priest & Cheetor
• Giant Epic- Organiser – Thantsants
Day - Sun
Max Players - ???
Current players - 8
• The Engines of Avalone Siege game- Organiser – Thantsants
Day - Sat
Max Players - ???
Current players - 8
• RoC Warbands (for anyone interested, could be either day)- Organiser – Orlygg
Day - Could be either
Max Players - anyone interested
Current players - ???
• WHFB 'Get to the other side' - *Withdrawn as organiser unable to guarantee attendance*
• Bring and Bash Epic (Stand alone games)- Organiser – Chico
Day - Sat 1pm - 4pm
Max Players - anyone interested
Current players - ???
• The siege of Siege of Caraz-Lumba *Now merged with The Engines of Avalone Siege game*
• THE BIG SUNDAY GAME - *Withdrawn as organiser unable to guarantee attendance*
• Old Bowl - *Withdrawn to allow more players to attend*
• The rogue trader quickening (Immortals; one Sensei with 2 Lackies per player)- Organiser - Asslessman and Cheetor
Day - Likely Sat (End of Day)
Max Players - 8 (inscriptions closed, possibility to join on the day in case of empty seats)
Current Players - Asslessman, Cheetor, Antipixi, Theottovonbismark, whiskey priest, Leromides, (Warlord Paul and/or Gaj) ?
• Shadows of Rensburg (Narrative Game for Warbands or equivalent sized groups)- Organiser – Bane
Day - ???
Max Players - 4
Current players - ???
• Judge Dredd Game - Angel Gang Ambush- Organiser – Chico
Day - Saturday 10am - 12noon
Max Players - 6
Current players - ???
• *CANCELLED*The Call of Chulaine- a WFB3 multiplayer skirmish featuring (maybe) the most 3rd Ed of all cretaures... the Fimir*CANCELLED* and replaced with...
• The Sunday Morning dungeon of chill... Light-hearted HQ game- Organiser – Fimm McCool
Day -Sunday AM
Max Players - ???
Current players - ???
• Khorne vs Slaanesh large wrbands batle (open to other warbands to join)- Organiser – Skyrak and Orlygg
Day - ???
Max Players - ???
Current players - ???
- Organiser -Whiskey Priest
I have added the name of whoever appeared to be most 'in charge' of the events based on the info on the threads. If people post info here, I will try to update the list in this 1st post with relevant info on a regular basis. This would make it easy for people to find.
If I'm over stepping the mark, then I apologise.