030 --- Fimir --- Cowardice, resilient, quadruped, walking head, siamese twin, FP2
The Tale of Catharnach Thronebearer
CATHARNACH was a powerful Fimir warrior until he led the cleansing of a hamlet devoted to Nurgle. While butchering the villagers he did not notice that he had received a tiny Nurgling’s bite at the base of his tail, but shortly afterwards, when it started to fester, he did.
The irritating, small wound turned into nasty areas of scab with a near unbearable itch and in his plight Catharnach prayed to Nurgle.
Nurgle usually does not prefer those warrior types but he has a huge an bloated heart and so he accepted him as a champion.
He blessed him with grater toughness and sent him a gift in form of a huge palanquin.
Not only was it capable of bearing Catharnach into battle. It also came with a hole for his tail where daemonic jaws gently chewed away at the scab, thus soothing the champion’s plight.
But the Fimir was too much of a warrior to really fit into the hordes of such a humorous and easy going god. Ambition drove him forwards and ambition was his downfall.
He killed his own when they fled the enemy while he should have fled too to see the infections they had already caused spread and so Nurgle blessed him with cowardice to further the warrior’s understanding of his ways.
This “curse”, as he saw it, denied him to wade into close combat like he was used to do and so he started to study tactics and strategy to be able to better lead from the back instead.
So intense were his studies, that he did not take part in any of his warbands festivities.
After each battle he returned to his tent to brood over the lessons learned and new strategic concepts.
A lone eremite with his books and scrolls - always reading and thinking - until his head literally swelled up replacing his whole body - A humorous reminder of Papa Nurgle that there is more to life than dour learning.
Again Catharnach misunderstood.
Desperate to better his standing with his god, to be released from his “punishment”, he made his biggest mistake.
Due to his studies he was confident that he would be able to crush all of Nurgle’s enemies if he only had two small ingredients.
And so he travelled to the place where the largest ceremony in the name of Nurgle was initiated.
There, amidst the flutes and drums, the singing and vomiting, the dances of cultists and plaguebearers, he feverently waited for his turn.
And when it came he let his voice be heard over all that noise.
And he said “Oh Lord Nurgle, make that I walk again as those Nurglings who bear my throne are too slow to carry me where I need to be to direct thy forces properly. And give me a second eye so that I may perceive depth without fault as a single eye is prone to do…”
Then he noticed that the drums had stopped and no one was dancing or singing anymore.
Cultists and deamons alike were looking at him strangely, as if he was…insane?
And then they all started to smile in an equally strange way. “What?” he asked…
The Tale of Catharnach Thronebearer
CATHARNACH was a powerful Fimir warrior until he led the cleansing of a hamlet devoted to Nurgle. While butchering the villagers he did not notice that he had received a tiny Nurgling’s bite at the base of his tail, but shortly afterwards, when it started to fester, he did.
The irritating, small wound turned into nasty areas of scab with a near unbearable itch and in his plight Catharnach prayed to Nurgle.
Nurgle usually does not prefer those warrior types but he has a huge an bloated heart and so he accepted him as a champion.
He blessed him with grater toughness and sent him a gift in form of a huge palanquin.
Not only was it capable of bearing Catharnach into battle. It also came with a hole for his tail where daemonic jaws gently chewed away at the scab, thus soothing the champion’s plight.
But the Fimir was too much of a warrior to really fit into the hordes of such a humorous and easy going god. Ambition drove him forwards and ambition was his downfall.
He killed his own when they fled the enemy while he should have fled too to see the infections they had already caused spread and so Nurgle blessed him with cowardice to further the warrior’s understanding of his ways.
This “curse”, as he saw it, denied him to wade into close combat like he was used to do and so he started to study tactics and strategy to be able to better lead from the back instead.
So intense were his studies, that he did not take part in any of his warbands festivities.
After each battle he returned to his tent to brood over the lessons learned and new strategic concepts.
A lone eremite with his books and scrolls - always reading and thinking - until his head literally swelled up replacing his whole body - A humorous reminder of Papa Nurgle that there is more to life than dour learning.
Again Catharnach misunderstood.
Desperate to better his standing with his god, to be released from his “punishment”, he made his biggest mistake.
Due to his studies he was confident that he would be able to crush all of Nurgle’s enemies if he only had two small ingredients.
And so he travelled to the place where the largest ceremony in the name of Nurgle was initiated.
There, amidst the flutes and drums, the singing and vomiting, the dances of cultists and plaguebearers, he feverently waited for his turn.
And when it came he let his voice be heard over all that noise.
And he said “Oh Lord Nurgle, make that I walk again as those Nurglings who bear my throne are too slow to carry me where I need to be to direct thy forces properly. And give me a second eye so that I may perceive depth without fault as a single eye is prone to do…”
Then he noticed that the drums had stopped and no one was dancing or singing anymore.
Cultists and deamons alike were looking at him strangely, as if he was…insane?
And then they all started to smile in an equally strange way. “What?” he asked…