Alai Mercenaries


Catching up on your thread (fortunately not on the other channels so I'm enjoying the updates for the first time!). Lovely lovely stuff. The Genestealers are awesome, such a wonderful vibrant purple, really makes them pop. The Eldar are once again amazing, the heavy weapon chaps (sorry I forget what they were, never having collected Eldar as a youth) are great, the subtle colour contrast for the face just really pushes them to another level.

Amazing stuff. I shall go and quietly drool for a bit as a scroll through the thread again.


Having a hard time getting a sense of scale on that last one, but it feels . . . big. Is that one of the old Armorcast/Epicast/Biazi models? Looks great!


Pretty sure it's the classic Eldar Dreadnought body, but possibly with a new plastic Wraithlord head. Not sure about the large weapon however. Not one of the EPIC ones, I'm guessing a kit bash of those on the Wraithlord sprue or similar, I don't really know the range well enough.

I can see so many mistakes now, on the photos...
I am always doing that. I post a photo here and realise I didn't paint the claws or something or there is a giant mold line I totally missed that is now so obvious you could see it from space! I wouldn't worry too much, your stuff is beautiful to look at.


That Wraithlord above is a simple conversion. Old metal Eldar Dreadnought body. Spare plastic head from a modern Wraithlord. A flag from some AoS Lumineth Realmlord model. And the weapon...

It's a Vibrocannon.


Great looking stuff, that inspires me to dig out my Elder and splash a little paint over them and then I look at the rest of my pile of lead - argh.

Paul / Golgfag1


Great looking stuff, that inspires me to dig out my Elder and splash a little paint over them and then I look at the rest of my pile of lead - argh.

Paul / Golgfag1
Well, you have to start somewhere.

This poor Jain Zar was sitting in my pile of shame for... 10-12 years? There were moments I thought, that I'll never paint her.

In the end, it was about motivation. We played three 40k 2e games last week (as my wife went on vacation with her parents and took both kids! yay!) and it was epic and glorious.

My friend took Jain Zar for the last game. She is a beast. She is crazily OP. I may never play the model. But I just had to paint her to scare my friends!


I really enjoy the Book (and also the first film though I admit it has some faults in it's version of the first half of the book) of the german 'Neverending Story'. If you know it, hopefully it's pretty easy to see why I made that comment. still need to find a decent figure for my Golden eyed commander of Wishes...