Alai Mercenaries


Hi guys,

two years ago, I finally abandoned modern 40k and fully embraced the Oldhammer. I bought a lot of Rogue Trader / 2e metal Eldar miniatures and slowly (oh so slowly) painted them.

My work is usually posted on Discord, but it would be nice to have my own place on the internet, where I have all the photos.

So, in this thread, I'll show you my oldschool project.


What an awesome thread to find this morning. lovely work. The colours and gems are great on the dreadnought in particular. I managed to get hold of one myself a year or two back because I've always fancied painting one (never laid a brush on an Eldar in all my years! - despite rather liking them).

... and welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing what else makes it across the painting table!


Thank you all guys for nice words.

Last few days, I painted fantasy models (And yesterday I added an Ork-Genestealer hybrid to the finished pile), but they do not fit into this thread.

So instead, I'll show you another two mercenaries I did, before my attention shifted again.



Member of the High Council of Uzkulak
Now I remember why I wanted to collect Eldar 20-30 years ago ... Awesome models and cool paint scheme!