A little bit lost, a little bit damned


inchmurrin":35monb0i said:
Master of the mono pose strikes again, very characterful.
Lol thanks Inchmurrin, I do try. And I still have more monopose guys!

This was one of my more dramatic conversions, in the sense that halfway through it my neighbour set the bloody tenement block on fire, floor above me no less.


Gallivantes":127t9ca9 said:
I painted up my Fimir for the Month of Marsh challenge. He's in cahoots with my Nurgle army doing Ogre duty.

Where do you find the head and the tall?


Hey Dreadaxe. I sculpted them myself from a mix of greenstuff and milliput. If you backtrack in the thread there's a picture of the conversion before I painted it.


Lately, with each unit I've managed to paint up I've started to feel a growing urge to have some nice terrain to place them into. Here's a WIP of a piece of difficult terrain, wooded area or similar that I'm working on. I hope to make more but I am aiming to build up a range of techniques and materials on smaller pieces like this one before I go all in. In the long run I hope to make my own battle mat and plenty terrain pieces but one thing at a time.

As I plan to decorate it with flocking material I figured it might be interesting to document this part of the build stage while the structure is still clearly visible. Not entirely sure where it's gonna end yet but I have something more dense, lush and mossy in mind to go with the basing scheme I have started using on my minis. Something in the summer half of the year, put it that way. Looking at it in its current stage it's also a pretty useful visual prototype for either autumn/winter pieces or decrepit areas with a greater degree of dead vegetation, should I want some of that in the future.

I am pleased with the result so far, not the least that it's built mostly from free or very cheap stuff. Cardboard, bark, twigs, gravel and sand I have gathered free of cost. Filler/spackle, PVA glue and acrylic texture gel cost me around £3, £7 and £10 per package but the small amount used on the piece is probably below a pound total and will last to make a lot of terrain.


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Thats very effective, im all for using natural found terrain and the sparsness is cool for a nurgle warband, as if the coruption has spread to the trees!. Like the hight too, it will create a good specticle on the table.


I just klicked through all of your project. I'm in awe of your conversion (and with that modelling) skills. If I wouldnt have seen the green of the Fimir, I would've thought its an original model :o


It's been too long without an update in this thread. No finished units coming off the painting table in quite a while, not for lack of trying though. It's more that all my time has gone into the other preparatory stages, like stripping, building, converting and organising my growing collection. The miniatures I have painted still require basing so in the end I am short of finished units.

I really did want to post something though, not the least because some people have been excited about the stuff I've been doing so far. I am sure they would love to see some progress so here's me hoping I have something to keep you interested and not feel like this project is stalling.

So I figured it could be fun to see an army wide update. Fair warning folks, plenty of unstripped models, lead and plastic on display. But as I am looking at the army laid out it's definitely conveying something of the shambling force I always had in mind for this. I hope you get the same kick out of it that I do. After all we are in the WIP section so I won't apologize too much about it.

A little disclaimer which I am sure I have mentioned before but worth repeating. I do mix a lot of Midhammer and various new plastics with my "true" Oldhammer era models but always in an effort to keep things as true to the Realm of Chaos aesthetic as I can. One of my top priorities was to build an army that wasn't just big but also had some unique elements and without this approach this project simply wouldn't be possible.

Stay with me folks, we shall get there in the end.

A note on terminology: The astute may have noticed that the Thugs unit here (4) has been showcased before as a Marauders unit in this thread. I now also have another unit that I've called Marauders here (5). This is simply due to me using the distinctions of later warhammer editions the first time around (where there were no Thugs, only Marauders) whereas I am now using the unit labels of 3rd edition more.

A note on me being a klutz: After I took the shot I realised most of my Nurgle Ogres at the very far back (22) had fallen over. I swear they are not halflings trying to pass for ogres. Maybe the heat got to them.


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That's a massive force there! Any indication on when we'll see some more of them painted up?

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Ketil Trout

I've been meaning to post something here for a while. This is a great thread with so much inspiring stuff, perfectly captures the spirit creative spirit of late 80's early 90's GW for me, really love your giant in particular.


Paint! This fella was languishing primed on my paint shelf for ages. Aided by guilt and coffee in equal measure I got him done in one sitting. I present to you Swinedrool Cankermace!

Will flock the base a bit down the road. I figured showing off the paintjob would be fun.

A nod goes to Thantsants of http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.se for borrowing his rust recipe: 50/50 leather and fiery orange. I used it (with a bit of foundation of a darker ruddy brown shade first) and really liked it.


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Really like it!
Even more impressive given it has been done in one go!
I'd be careful not to overdo the base with flock, as the blending of different tones on the rocks is absolutely great: maybe just add some pinches of pulverized turf in the crevices...?


Thanks guys :)

Tex: Yes, sparingly is what I had in mind... patchy and with most of the rocky outcrop showing.

Rab: It's not an orc head pauldron although I can see why you thought so :). It's more of an ogre head growing out of his collar bone region I think. It's in the original sculpt so I guess we're looking at a classical extra head chaos mutation. He does have a little pauldron/armour patch thingy behind the head, a thing I added myself to create a more natural transition between the wings in the back and the chainmail I pinned them on top of.

I do like the extra head. Especially how he looks so disgruntled, like he doesn't appreciate being along for the ride. I bet he mutters cynically at all times, things like "I knew this was a bad idea...", "I told you we should have gone the other way..."

A couple of additional angles here if you fancy a closer look.


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Mister Rab

Gallivantes":3gsb33po said:
Rab: It's not an orc head pauldron although I can see why you thought so :). It's more of an ogre head growing out of his collar bone region I think. It's in the original sculpt so I guess we're looking at a classical extra head chaos mutation. He does have a little pauldron/armour patch thingy behind the head, a thing I added myself to create a more natural transition between the wings in the back and the chainmail I pinned them on top of.

I do like the extra head. Especially how he looks so disgruntled, like he doesn't appreciate being along for the ride. I bet he mutters cynically at all times, things like "I knew this was a bad idea...", "I told you we should have gone the other way..."

:lol: Superb!