Straining under the immense weight, the two ogres grunted as they precariously picked their way up the jagged slope. The rear one stumbled, his gangrenous leg clearly causing him some discomfort. Atop the Palanquin platform the quivering pile of rancid flesh that was the Champion of Nurgle flailed his spiky tentacle about and complained ludly.
"Is this going to take all day? Get up the hill already, we're falling behind the rest!"
The fellow knights were silhouetted against the sky in the baking sun. He had ridden with them until his steed had collapsed under his vast form. He had been leading the charge into a war party of Dark Elves, aiming straight for their centre where some crazed witches had been cavorting around a big pot. It seemed important. The knights had smashed into the frail elves, crushing them under the immense weight of armoured steeds and the towering bulk of their riders. He had skewered three elves on his lance without even slowing down and plowed straight into the platform with the big pot. The back of his steed gave out with an audible snap and he tumbled into the structure, crushing everything in his path.
When he woke up again he found himself atop the shattered remnants of the cauldron platform, rocking and swaying. Two of the more degenerate ogres had been assigned to carrying duty, it seemed. A fellow knight trotted past.
"The elves broke and fled after your spectacular charge" he had said. "When we had finished mopping them up you were still out cold. We had to keep moving." He had nodded towards the platform. Then he had spurred his horse and galloped past to join the rest of the knights at the head of the column.
And here he was, being carried up the slope by two feeble minded brutes, one of which had a gammy leg. That very thing now became an issue. Perhaps the leg had deteriorated a bit more, perhaps it was just a loose rock. The ogre stumbled and as a result the platform rocked like a ship in a storm.
The combined effects of the movement and the stifling heat suddenly overcame him. The champion vomited loudly inside his helmet. He paused for a moment, taking in the bouquet. This mode of transport wasn't so bad after all.