legacy crew

  1. symphonicpoet

    2020 Legacy Coven Arrivals Photo Thread

    All right then! We have our first sightings out on the rim! Courtesy of Epicsatsuma and Sleepysod.
  2. symphonicpoet

    2020 Legacy Coven Signup

    Here's the thread to sign up for the 2020 Legacy Crew. Which, oh by the way, is a genestealer coven. The spot color is now officially green. We're making progress! Ideally we'll need a patriarch. (Or matriarch. I'm fine if you want to do a girl bug.) We'll need a magus, some familiars, maybe...
  3. symphonicpoet

    2020 Legacy Crew Ideas

    So I guess it's time to start recruiting for the 2020 crew. In keeping with the fantasy/sci-fi alteration I suppose it's time to go back to SPACEEEEE!!! I'm off to a bit of a slow start, but let's open the floor to nominations. Let's say I'll accept suggestions until February 14th and then...
  4. symphonicpoet

    Legacy 2019 Photo Thread

    I thought I'd take this opportunity to create a showcase for the arrivals. And, because I'm me, a little bit of a story of why they're all showing up. The prince thought to himself "It's a lovely morning for a bit of a march" as he and his knights set off on a bit of an adventure. Little did...
  5. symphonicpoet

    Legacy 2019 Signup

    Legacy 2019 The theme: Chaos Marauder Band The rules: This is a raffle. The price of entry is one miniature. The winner takes the lot. Bunch of themed miniatures from devoted fans of the old. They don't need to be old lead, per se, though some of us do contribute old lead. They just need to...
  6. symphonicpoet

    Legacy 2019 ideas?

    Anyone have any thoughts on legacy 2019 yet? I sat out 2018. (More or less entirely.) But I'd be up for more mayhem. Addendum: The mostly annual legacy warband is a raffle. The price of entry is one miniature. The winner takes the lot. Bunch of themed miniatures from devoted fans of the old...
  7. vonkortez

    Legacy project 2018 sign up

    So it looks like we are we doing something this year too! I can act as the organizer if no one else wants the job? The theme for year 2018 is "Camp followers of the grand alliance of good". I.e. very much like the chaos villagers of 2016 but now with the good guys (and girls). I don´t think...
  8. symphonicpoet

    Legacy 2017 Submissions

    It's high time to start a submissions thread: Send your lead to: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** If you've got it posted to me by 12/15 I'm sure that will be fine. It should get to me before the 31st that way easily...
  9. symphonicpoet

    Legacy 2017 contest organizational stuff . . .

    Okay, since we've got this well underway I suppose we ought to figure out how the details will fall out: Where to mail it, one raffle or two, that sort of thing. One raffle or two could probably be solved with a vote. I'm quite willing to handle the miniature shuffle, but I'm in the US, so...
  10. symphonicpoet

    Oldhammer Legacy Project 2017: Inqusitors v Gangers SignUp

    Well, the voting is over. The Inquisition Crew won and the Necromunda Gang came in a very close second. OuteRimTim sagely observed that these two groups would make ideal adversaries, thus with that in mind I suppose it's time to start signing folks up. Kindly post a comment below and I'll edit...
  11. symphonicpoet

    Oldhammer Legacy Project IV: 2017 Spot Color

    Note: given the incredible degree of agreement I've seen I think we can safely say that the spot color for the gangers should be rainbow and the inquisitors should have a black spot color, optionally mixed with white and maybe shades of grey. Since this all pretty much works together I don't...
  12. symphonicpoet

    Oldhammer Legacy Crew 2017 Vote

    Okay. I guess we need a poll. :D I suppose I really ought to create a second poll for the spot color: 1. Rainbow 2. I I wish I'd suggested a second option ;-)
  13. symphonicpoet

    Oldhammer Legacy Project IV: 2017 Suggestions

    To move the list to the top of the thread I'm editing my original post. The original is the quote above. Here's the list of suggestions as it stands as of 00:00 GMT 1/14: Themes: 1. Road warrior themed street gang - Kinda symphonicpoet kinda ramshackle_curtis 2. Inquisitorial retinue - Fimm...
  14. axiom

    Legacy Project 2016 - Chaos Villagers (responsibleone wins)

    The village had no name, or perhaps it had been forgotten. It lay deep in the chaos wastes and had few visitors bar chaos hordes tramping south, or the occasional Carnival of Nurgle. Each and every villager bore the taint of chaos - the woodsman with axes in place of arms, the porcine butcher...
  15. axiom

    Oldhammer Legacy Project III - Vote for Theme

    Right then folks, thanks for all the input on ideas for this year's project. After some discussion, the theme is for a group of fantasy figures, with the two most popular themes being for a chaos warband, or for a group of chaos villagers. The chaos warband would be likely to include a random...
  16. axiom

    Oldhammer Legacy Project III - Ideas for 2016

    Hello painting challenge participants! With the formal close of the 2015 Legacy warband project (won by the lucky Firebreather), it seems sensible to consider plans for 2016. So I'm looking for feedback and opinions: Q. Should we run a 3rd project, or after two consecutive years, is it time to...
  17. axiom

    Oldhammer Legacy Crew 2015 - The Basing Question

    Opinions sought please. For the 2014 warband we didn't base the figures, leaving it for the winner to do as per their own taste. There are pros and cons to this approach. Pros: the winner has full control; the basing is consistent. Cons: the winner has to base 20-30 models; the group shots look...
  18. axiom

    Oldhammer Legacy Crew 2015 - Spot Colour Vote

    Who tells a space pirate what he can and can't wear? No-one - that's who. You want to wear blue and white striped trousers? Fine. You'd like a green coat embroidered with delicate flowers and birds? OK. You want to wear a leather waistcoat and nothing else? Suit yourself! But how are these...
  19. axiom

    Oldhamer Legacy Crew 2015 ("Arrr!") - Sign Up and Progress

    The wind is in our solar sails and the gleam of alien riches is in our eyes! The 2015 Oldhammer Legacy Warband theme is Space Pirates (Arrr!). Contributors 1 axiom - human pirate (Received) 2 Fimm McCool - Blanchian lovely (Received) 3 Mister Rab - human pirate (Received) 4 MoodyGit - Kim...
  20. axiom

    Oldhammer Legacy Warband (Part Deux) - Theme Vote

    Rght then folks, our first vote for the 2015 Legacy warband is up...simply select the theme. We've had two strong suggestions - space pirates and theming around a body of work from a particular sculptor (Jes Goodwin, Perrys etc). As soon as this is decided, we can start the sign-up thread :)