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Legacy 2019 Photo Thread


I thought I'd take this opportunity to create a showcase for the arrivals. And, because I'm me, a little bit of a story of why they're all showing up.

The prince thought to himself "It's a lovely morning for a bit of a march" as he and his knights set off on a bit of an adventure.

Little did they realize that if they'd but waited, the adventure would have come to them.

Now, as it happened, it would come to their home when said home was but lightly guarded.


Time to sack the castle, Oldhammerers! Send me your crazed, your loony, your frothing for adventure! Chaos is coming! (Or something like that. But they're probably going to want some help, even as lightly guarded as the castle should be once the soldiery disappears into the sunrise.)


He came today. I'm afraid I'm exhausted from the usual summer exhausting, but here's a vague attempt at a picture. More will follow, I promise. I know this one is terrible. That said, this is shaping up to be a lovely bunch. :)

The two new brothers in arms knew they would need assistance, so they stole a quick march into the town square where they met as unlikely a pair of friends as any have seen: an orc drummer and a mad dwarf dervish dancer. Both with very large and effective looking maces. Yes. This should go quite nicely indeed!


The dwarf said "You know what we need is a wizard! I know just the fellow, an' he ain't far!"

They sauntered to the other side of the strange ghostly town and found there a tall vaguely human looking creature wearing a cloak the color of the evening sky. When the dwarf called out his name he turned about and his head was that of a pale squid and his hands were as tentacles. With him was a fighter of the skaven kind.

"Perfect!" said the goblin said to himsel. And then they were six.


. . . I will say, this is turning into a very nice crew!


As the group set out to assault the castle, who should come striding over the hill, but a burly warrior armed with what could only be described as the world's largest meat cleaver.


"And where might you lot be off to without me?" he grumbled.

And then they were seven . . .



You know . . . but instead of trying to save the town they're hoping to sack it. (More on that later.) Now I just need to make sure there's nothing still in the mail so we can take care of the drawing and make sure the Malfeasant Seven find the right town to terrorize. ;)


So a belated thanks to everyone for the minis, they arrived ages ago and I just got around to a group shot. They are suffering form the Scottish climate of dreech rain and mists so are huddling together before setting off to ravage some hovels, no super rich palaces here I'm afraid.


The snazzy grey fade background is courtesy of Phil Gregory of Old Man Paints at https://oldmanpaints.wordpress.com/2019/11/17/free-photographic-backgrounds-for-miniatures/ where he has a few others for free download.


They're looking happy and well fed, at least. As though, mayhap, they've had some time on the table to collect loot and . . . Sheep? Hey, I was in Scotland last fall, so I know there's good food and fine company. Not sure how I failed to recognize your address as Scottish, but . . . dumb yank. I loved Scotland, but I was terrified that I'd screw up, call it England, and find myself pounded into a piece of sodden turf to use as a piling for Swamp Castle. (Or Castle Anthrax, or the castle the French Knight was defending, or Camelot . . . Who knew they were all the same hall? Clever lads, those Python boys.) Anyway, it's good to know the crew has landed well. I wish them luck and perhaps if I'm in the neighborhood again I'll look them up. Maybe bring the English boys whose castle they visited by for a reunion. ;)


As always there will be welcome on the hillside for all our visitors after all the current apocalypse is over. We have a fine selection of castles around us inclusi=ding one with the oldest bit of plastering on a wall in the UK, and 12 foot thick walls etc. they have been bingeing on aberdeen angus beef, border lamb and scallops from the western isles!