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Yorkshire Old Boys Society. YOBS.

(Formerly known as YOGA/YOBBOS.)

Full members:

Citadel Collector
Warlord Paul



Honourary members:


The YOBS calendar so far is as follows:

1) The finale to Orc's Drift. (TBA)

2) Leeds Fiasco (at the Royal Armouries) on Sunday the 26th of October.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Just had images of you guys doing YOGA... lol


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

That's not where my fire comes from after a curry... :oops: :oops:


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Yep, I'm in.
I'm in Leeds too, near Headingley. There are a couple of wargaming clubs which meet in Headingley as well, so a venue should be no probs for a Leeds meet.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Who is this YOGA you speak of? I always understood the Yorkshire contingent was called Yorkshire Oldhammer Brotherhood Syndicate.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

It was a just a cheap one-liner. Didn't know he was going to go with it as a suggestion. :oops:


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Harry":2e2b5mtd said:
It was a just a cheap one-liner. Didn't know he was going to go with it as a suggestion. :oops:

If you are talking about the F.R.O.G.s, be sure that I changed the name because I found it funny and never misunderstood it for anything else but humour on your part.
It's basically the essence of my project to make a knight from each country/region, to laugh about all of this.

If you were not talking about F.R.O.G.s, then please excuse me for this self centered intrusion and potential derailing post :grin:.
Be sure next time I cross the channel I'llchallenge the champions of the YOGA, GROG or any brotherhood encountered !
Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Warlord Paul":1hhtvz7a said:
Whereabouts are you CC? Where suits you?

I'm in North Lincolnshire, a few miles east of Scunthorpe. A trip to Leeds/Bradford/York is potentially doable on a quarterly basis - anything more frequent and I'd rather travel closer to home such as Lincoln or Hull.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Yorkshire. Lovely place. I like to call it home. And ... I do.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Warlord Paul":349umt54 said:
Also, just out of interest, who from among us is attending the Oldhammer Weekend? I'll be there and I know Thantsants is. Anyone else?

So fickle! Once, aeons ago, you knew I was going. But now - apparently not. I shall quote ...

Warlord Paul":349umt54 said:
OK Padre, nice one. Though I won't be able to join in, I will take time to visit the game and I look forward to seeing all the lovely minis on display. :)

If not fickility, erm, ficklenability .. ficklywicklyness ... scrub that, the word does not exist - If not what I said above, is it a case of (1982 quote) 'accelerated decrepitude'?


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

The Urban Dictionary gives us this for Yobbo:

"Yobbo : A loud, inconsiderate person, usually found in groups for self preservation. Sometimes prone to violence,always found with beer and cheap smokes. Usually smell."

Sounds about right to me. :grin:


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Warlord Paul":3fh2iyql said:
I can't keep track of these faceless user names I'm afraid Padre! I have a new mnemonic for you now though, you are Padre Pygmy Person. :grin:

Hey! I do have other armies you know. (Feeling self conscious in a rather Freudian sort of way here.)

And faceless? I can assure you I have all the component parts for a face, eyes, ears, mouth ... oh, hang on, you mean I have no avatar. You know, I have so many on so many forums that I just forgot here. Plain forgot. I'll get around to it. You'll be wanting a pic of one of my pygmies, I suppose. Well, I don't think so! I'm going to find the biggest figure I've got .....


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Warlord Paul":1l0gj5g5 said:
With Padre and CC on board that makes five.
Also, just out of interest, who from among us is attending the Oldhammer Weekend? I'll be there and I know Thantsants is. Anyone else?
I'll be there, with orcs carrying Pygmy stickers. Intending to set off on Fri.

Harry":1l0gj5g5 said:
The Urban Dictionary gives us this for Yobbo:

"Yobbo : A loud, inconsiderate person, usually found in groups for self preservation. Sometimes prone to violence,always found with beer and cheap smokes. Usually smell."

Sounds about right to me. :grin:

But I'm not even from Yorkshire, I'm Irish...

Oh, yeah, carry on :)


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Ah ha! I now have an avatar. A pleasant picture of me taking a pleasant supper that was in a newspaper way back. Thought I'd use something civilised instead of all these cleaver wielding demons everyone else seems to have.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Hetz":35r5pkc9 said:
Harry":35r5pkc9 said:
The Urban Dictionary gives us this for Yobbo:

"Yobbo : A loud, inconsiderate person, usually found in groups for self preservation. Sometimes prone to violence,always found with beer and cheap smokes. Usually smell."

Sounds about right to me. :grin:

But I'm not even from Yorkshire, I'm Irish...

Oh, yeah, carry on :)
Change the word 'beer' for the word 'Guinness' ... it works fine. :grin:


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Yobbos - only one letter away from Gobbos :mrgreen:

Hetz":2w12swjv said:
But I'm not even from Yorkshire, I'm Irish...

Oh, yeah, carry on :)

And I'm from Lancashire! :twisted:

Amazing how touchy the locals still are over that little spat involving roses :lol:

Padre":2w12swjv said:
Thought I'd use something civilised instead of all these cleaver wielding demons everyone else seems to have.

I'll have you know mine's waving a paintbrush around ;)

Harry":2w12swjv said:
Sounds alright to me. :grin:

Fixed that for you Harry! :grin:


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Thantsants":298ukfi8 said:
Yobbos - only one letter away from Gobbos :mrgreen:
Padre":298ukfi8 said:
Thought I'd use something civilised instead of all these cleaver wielding demons everyone else seems to have.

I'll have you know mine's waving a paintbrush around ;)

I suppose I ought to admit my comment was based on looking at one avatar, warlord paul's, and that didn't actually have a cleaver. It just seemed funny at the time to make an assertion based on no real understanding or knowledge. Now I realise that ignorance is not funny. Gherkins are.


Re: Yorkshire Oldhammer Gaming Association seeks fresh blood

Warlord Paul":2bx6tsrr said:
... why don't we do a Halloween weekend game? The Saturday and Sunday just after Halloween will be the 2nd and 3rd of September.

Erm. I think I may have woken up in an alternate universe. Sliders or what?

Unless ... and actually now I think about it this is way more likely ... you meant the 2nd and 3rd of November?