WFB3 [Warfork Fantasy Battles] The Battle for Arduthrond Glade

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition
I too only really use the damage from later editions.
I use the 3rd edition turning circles and movement rules.
But I do like the 4th edition wounds and toughness.

Though when shooting at siege engines I always assume the crew are hit rather than the machine.
But the crew are at -1 to be hit.

It is a bit messy to be honest.... :grin:
Though when shooting at siege engines I always assume the crew are hit rather than the machine.
But the crew are at -1 to be hit.

Here I use mostly the 5e mechanic:

Ranged combat attacks against Engines of War

Ranged combat attacks may be directed against an
engine of war. Attacks are worked out against the
entire model and any hits scored are randomized
against the crew and the engine of war.
Engines of war and their crews generally constitute a
large target, and so the attackers benefit from a +1
'to hit' bonus for WSK based attacks.
Once hits have been established, randomize where
they strike on the following chart. If either all crew
are slain or have fled, or once the engine of war is
destroyed, only the remaining part can be hit and no
randomization takes place.

[1d6] Ranged Combat Attacks Randomization

Engine of war hit, follow the rules for 'Resolving
the Effects of Hits'.
Crew hit, follow the rules for 'Resolving the
Effects of Hits'.
Templates or weapon paths, like from a cannon, hit
whatever they touch, but can also only damage/kill what
they touch. A template never touches "the crew", but only
specific crew members which are covered by the template,
those that are not cannot be killed.