[Warfork Fantasy Battles] Bash 'em Stunties once mo'!


Woah, this is much more than a subtle tweaking of the rules! It's clear you have put a lot of thought and effort into this.

I have mixed feelings about random charge moves, but definitely like random fleeing and pursuit.

The magic looks quite interesting, I like the uncertainty of casting spells a bit more than just spending points and letting rip.

Thanks for taking the time to post this.


personally, I think write it up, and see if Eric has a place in the resources for 'custom rule sets' or something ^_^
Basically sure, can provide the current state.

Two doubts, though:

  1. I don't think it is suitable to be posted in the forum, way too big. I generate a website from it with a menu, because otherwise I would not find anything in it.
  2. Legality. It does contain a lot of original 3e/4e text. Not sure if this can just be posted publicly.
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Basically sure, can provide the current state.

Two doubts, though:

  • [1] I don't think it is suitable to be posted in the forum, way too big. I generate a website from it with a menu, because otherwise I would not find anything in it.
    [2] Legality. It does contain a lot of original 3e/4e text. Not sure if this can just be posted publicly.
yeah.. mm.. for number 2) 'samples' might be okay, but more likely you can keep the rules IF you re-word them because it's more the wording that's important..



Charge Range / Fleeing / Pursuing

In Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3 - Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 7 charging was a sure thing, the player just had to estimate the range correctly. A bit of randomness would suit my taste.

Stargrunt II knows two movement types for grunts: normal movement (a fixed distance) and combat movement (a random distance). If normal movement is 6”, combat movement is 2D6”. A player can take the chance to use combat movement and cover twice as much ground as normal, or only 2” (grunts running and stepping in pot holes, tripping over branches, etc.)

Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 introduced a variable charge range of 2D6 + MOV. This is too generic for my taste, with every being having the same random factor assigned.

In Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3 a human on foot (MOV@4, charge 8”) never could charge as far as a human on a horse (MOV@8, charge 16”).

In Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 the extreme is the human on foot charging MOV@4 + 2D6=12” for a total of 16”; while the mounted human would charge MOV@8 + 2D6=2” for a total of 10”

With an average 2D6 result of 7, in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 the human on foot charges 11” and the mounted human 15”. That is only half the difference in charge range than in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3.

In WAP (a fork of WFB8) or in WTOW (Warhammer The Old World), charge movements are made with M+2k1D6 (2 dice keep 1).

Congratulations on transcribing the battle report. Did you use any special software?
Congratulations on transcribing the battle report. Did you use any special software?

Don't know what you consider special ;)

My flow is:

  • Create a turn template (headlines for turns and phases) in Google Docs
  • take short notes on my phone during game play, including pictures
  • download Google docs document as .epub, download all images taken from Google Photos as .zip
  • The images in the Google Docs get downsized to the paper size. I run the .epub and .zip through a Python script of my own design:
    • convert .epub through .xsl to .org (see Org Mode)
    • matching .epub-pictures with .zip-pictures by comparing histograms and feature matching
    • replace image references in .org with the .zip pictures
    • extract the .zip pictures to the directory of the .org file to have full size pictures available
  • I then write the report, converting the short notes to a full narrative, in Emacs
  • The maps I create using Inkscape
  • The images I upload through a shell script to my server, while uploading I create three image sizes (full size, 960px max side, thumbnail) of the raster images, the .svgs go as they are
  • When the report is done, I have another Python script that converts the .org to .xml with org-to-xml, then runs it through an .xsl of my own design which produces BBCode (linking to pictures on my server) which I then paste here in the forum

So, nothing off the shelf, but not that special either. :)