

Whole thread is very inspiring. I love that dragon and maybe maybe maybe I’ll pick one up…. But I’ve still got a fire dragon to paint. He’s a similar size and proportion but he’s been sitting half finished for a very long time.
Thank you. Next up we have the Skullchucker. Now the main debate I had with this was bone or stone wheels... the advert I see has stone, but I've been lazy and left mine as bone. I may change my mind, but life is short and the lead pile large. I am missing the pile of skulls, but I expect I could make a small pile at some point to replace the original, or maybe it'll turn up one day! Looking at the models now perhaps some rust is called for on the chainmail, looks a touch fresh now I look at it again!


Well after this we have a few already done bits I took photos of that I'll post, but the next bits of undead on the todo list are a non citadel catapult and eventually the zombie dragon. Then we move onto more modern Nighthaunt models. Still that lot may well take a while as I've diverted onto some Squats for a bit!

I think the bone version you did looks better.