Troll Crusher


Due to it being a section already (in need of alot of work) and it's connection to various people, I've been improving the information and indexing of Troll Crusher (sometimes written as TrollCrusher) on the oldhammer Wikia. The fansite seams.. long dead and gone, and i was only able to recover 1 issue from there (in such a poor job that it was almost impossible to read).. I put out a couple of feelers with people who seam to have issues for information but haven't heard anything, but got some more i can chase up. other then that, I've been able to get hold of 3 issues (though one is missing a page it seams).. Issues 4, 6 and 11.

since the index on the wiki and the old gone site had no information on the first 5 issues, it's pretty nice what i got.. I've also been able to add some covers and partial indexing which is now going up to issue 7, but when i get the time, i'll be able to add more info in the format, hopefully up to the final issue 29.

Just wondering.. anyone with any issues or a backup of the site content? might be of use in the indexing.

oh and not being a D&D player.. i can't say i make much sense of trying to figure out what some of the rambly articles are going on about. People sure did seam to enjoy themselves though

Zhu Bajie

Well, you've seen the main index?

which is what I grabbed from Peter Wasylko's site a good number of years ago (with permission), when he stopped doing, - it needs a lot of formatting work - but the data is there - as are Peters interviews with some of the contributors. does have some bits ...

The PDFs are unreadable - Peter said hes respecting the copyright of the owners.

More recently Peter and some other Trollcrusher fans have started using BGG to catalogue the collection - which has added a few of the earlier issues, that were missing in action:

which is where I think you're getting the additional info from, which is great!

If anyone is thinking "what on earth has this got to do with Oldhammer?" - in the first instance it was set up by Bryan Ansell, and features his house rules for D&D (mostly about berserk warriors and demonic shields - very Realm of Chaos!) in the second it has a chunk of art and writing created by Jes Goodwin in the middle issues. some Tony Ackland art in the early numbers, and an article by Richard Halliwell, so there's a bunch or really interesting, formative stuff.

I do have a small collection (and some spares) - they are rare and go for £30-£60 each - I think #1 went for around £300 a few years back.


yes, i have seen that though some information seams.. odd
and yep, RPGG (the RPG side of board game geek) is where i'm getting some of the infomation, in fact kinda the bunk on some issues.

someone was selling an issue claiming they put up a ridiculous price and would take offers.. for the amoung of damage it has, the £45 he is asking is stupid and wouldn' accept a more reasonable amount.

and fair enough.. techinally the copyright is... tricky.. lets see.. techinally it would be clased as written.. so.. 70 years after the authors death in the UK...there are a couple of ways for much earlier but... I don't think I have enough interest to spend the time and effort on doing that.. It also depends on just how good a job the editors did..

Still, I do what I can to correctly index them.

Zhu Bajie

ManicMan":8aj0y8ak said:
yes, i have seen that though some information seams.. odd

Yes, it is quite odd! If you have any particular queries I can check my collection to see if I can answer it - but it's safer to assume the later data added to BGG is more likely to be correct.

ManicMan":8aj0y8ak said:
someone was selling an issue claiming they put up a ridiculous price and would take offers.. for the amoung of damage it has, the £45 he is asking is stupid and wouldn' accept a more reasonable amount.

Probably looking at upwards of £90 for earlier issues in decent condition. There's a handful of hardcore D&D collectors with deep pockets who will pay top dollar for the rare stuff. TC ran to typically less than 100 copies, got coverage in TSRs Dragon Magazine and most weren't looked after well, so unfortunately the collectors market is a bit of a barrier.

As you mention you have a copy of #6 would it be possible to PM me Richard Halliwels entry "My dog’s got no nose…" , as I think that would be his first published gaming material.


While I would pay a bit more then normal for some things, There is a bit of a limit and alot of rich kids really seam to drive up the market for stupid reasons.. It's like with some card games like 'Magic: The Gathering'.. you'll find alot of videos on youtube from 'die-hard fans' who are just trying to keep people out of the game cause it's all about 'investment' and they moaned like crazy cause whoever does the cards these days did something which meant all the old cards are now worthless for investments... ugh, annoies me alot that behavour.. sure, i have some things i try to keep in much better condition then others, but come on.. it's designed to be played as a card game. The Comicbook market has been pretty killed by alot of these people. They don't care about the comic and it's contents, they want to stick it in plastic so in the future it'll be worth more money.

I do have some comic art in frames on my walls.. not worth a HUGE amount of money, but i'm in it for what it is. Stuff i enjoy, not store in some vault for money. I got an 1979 comic fanzine which to me, it's worth alot, but in money? not worth much i don't think. You need to have a more specialised taste (It is issue 3 of Lew Stringers 'After Image #3, first apperence of his character 'brickman' (or more 'Brick-person'). It's in a box with other comics and stuff. i wouldn't think of slabbing it and trying to make money from it). Hell, look at the price of some old miniatures.. while i don't mind paying a bit more (within reason) some stuff is just insanily stupid and not really for someone who wants to paint up and use the figure. Over £100 for a standard 28mm scale dwarf?, I'll make do with a cheap plastic one thank you very much. though the old plastics aren't cheap now ¬_¬ (also.. over £20 just for the cardbox?!? what? that's just for an invester..)

I understand that this is quite an old thread! But I have most of Trollcrusher at the moment – these were David Langford's copies and (sorry) will be headed to eBay at some point to raise money for science-fictional good causes (the fan funds that send fans to conventions in far-flung places, and the SF Encyclopedia, now detached from its publisher). I've just dropped into this forum to tell you about this, so I don't know all your rules – depending on the rules it could be either very welcome or completely forbidden for me to let you know when I list them.

I don't think I can scan these properly because of the work involved but also because the bindings (staples) will not cope, but if you're missing any specific information (contents, individual bits and bobs) I'm happy to have a look for you.




Oh, I'm sure you can drop a link when they are up for sale.

the main info would be the contents pages for issues 2 & 14 so that indexing is done and if possible cover scans for most issues.
basically, it's for the Oldhammer indexing (which is starting here for Trollcrusher: )
I know some information is not recorded but there you go.


I've just dropped into this forum to tell you about this, so I don't know all your rules – depending on the rules it could be either very welcome or completely forbidden for me to let you know when I list them.
By all means feel free to pop a post in the ebay & Classifieds forum when you list them. I expect there might be a few interested parties here!
I understand that this is quite an old thread! But I have most of Trollcrusher at the moment – these were David Langford's copies and (sorry) will be headed to eBay at some point to raise money for science-fictional good causes (the fan funds that send fans to conventions in far-flung places, and the SF Encyclopedia, now detached from its publisher). I've just dropped into this forum to tell you about this, so I don't know all your rules – depending on the rules it could be either very welcome or completely forbidden for me to let you know when I list them.

I don't think I can scan these properly because of the work involved but also because the bindings (staples) will not cope, but if you're missing any specific information (contents, individual bits and bobs) I'm happy to have a look for you.


Hi Alison, yes - definitely interested! I've been seeking #2 for years to help a friend complete his collection as a gift, I would love to know when these go up for sale if you do put them online.