It’s been a little quiet on the painting front, I’m waiting on my next order of Harlequin lead minis and Ive got an urge to paint rat folks so I wasn’t as enthusiastic about this as I should have been.
Anyway I recently bought a ramshackle games capybara light tank as I wanted to try some airbrushing I thought it would go with my ork bikers, plus I had bought this Skorcha Wartrakk a few years ago, and it had been sat primed in my pile of shame for a bit now!
My grot tank
So this was my almost completely airbrushed grot tank,
My Skorcha Wartrakk
My old Skorcha Wartrakk
My Traction Squad
My wheeled units,
I’ve still got an old warbike with a nob on to go with the team but it’s gummed up to the eyeballs with old superglue and I need to get some acetone on it before I can paint it
Hopefully my eoe orbis order will be coming soon and I can get on with my ratty horde!
Anyway I recently bought a ramshackle games capybara light tank as I wanted to try some airbrushing I thought it would go with my ork bikers, plus I had bought this Skorcha Wartrakk a few years ago, and it had been sat primed in my pile of shame for a bit now!
My grot tank
So this was my almost completely airbrushed grot tank,
My Skorcha Wartrakk
My old Skorcha Wartrakk
My Traction Squad
My wheeled units,
I’ve still got an old warbike with a nob on to go with the team but it’s gummed up to the eyeballs with old superglue and I need to get some acetone on it before I can paint it
Hopefully my eoe orbis order will be coming soon and I can get on with my ratty horde!