Tramps Ver'men skaven


It’s been a little quiet on the painting front, I’m waiting on my next order of Harlequin lead minis and Ive got an urge to paint rat folks so I wasn’t as enthusiastic about this as I should have been.

Anyway I recently bought a ramshackle games capybara light tank as I wanted to try some airbrushing I thought it would go with my ork bikers, plus I had bought this Skorcha Wartrakk a few years ago, and it had been sat primed in my pile of shame for a bit now!

My grot tank

So this was my almost completely airbrushed grot tank,

My Skorcha Wartrakk

My old Skorcha Wartrakk

My Traction Squad

My wheeled units,

I’ve still got an old warbike with a nob on to go with the team but it’s gummed up to the eyeballs with old superglue and I need to get some acetone on it before I can paint it

Hopefully my eoe orbis order will be coming soon and I can get on with my ratty horde!

twisted moon

talk about scale creep. that capybara fits in better than i would have expected though; i'd have thought it would look too neat next to the orks.


Well, I’m still waiting on my order from eoe orbis for more ver’men….. I love the minis but hate the wait!

In the mean time (and on a separate order) I got some wood elves, I ordered a unit of royal guard and a chariot, I finished up the chariot last week and just based it - I’m pretty chuffed, Italian spices FTW

I used my 3D printer to make a nice base where the horses tabs were inset,

The painting went ‘OK’ I was trying to do some wet blending (using retardant) on the wings but it didn’t have the contrast/transition that I envisaged, I’ll just have to try again! Also I wasn’t overly happy with the elf skin, I think I need to come up with a recipe that I’m happy with, rat-skin-flesh just seemed to dark and I wanted something more pale!





I finished up my unit of royal guard, and I’ve made a start on some eagles & archers to accompany them,


I also got some work done on my Ver’men skaven mix army,

I got my final 3 spearmen to complete this unit


And then I completed a small unit of giant rats - I was thinking it would be a quick unit to paint & it would be rewarding to see another unit complete, as always it took much longer to complete than I thought!


Then I took a picture of my army as it stands with (only including the painted miniatures)



I’ve got some plague monks to paint, some more giant rats and some swords men (with double swords)

Watch this space for the next ones!


I just finished a small unit of plague monks.

Again, not my best work but I’m still pretty happy with the end result!




And I’ve just completed some eagles to go with my wood elves war-band, i got these from eBay (from a shop call ‘forlorn hope games’) I liked the look of them & I really wanted to paint them! Again not my best work, but I quite like the effect!

They came with out bases so I had to buy the acrylic rod, I 3D printed the 40x40mm square base then printed a movement tray, I’ll put some foliage on the tray to tidy up the print lines,

No I’ve done these I’ve no excuse not to paint the x18 archers to match!





It’s just 4mm clear acrylic rod from eBay. I got a single long length and cut it down to suit, I then 3D printed the bases to suit the rod, I gave the base a raised mound in the middle to support the rod as much as possible, to get the rod into the base I used a drill to drive the rod in, as it roared it melted the plastic and grabbed the rod so they are pretty well joined even without adhesive!