• You are 100% responsible for your own trades, both buying and selling. Please do read the stickied posts with advice and feedback from past trades.

    Please note that from time to time scammers post replies, typically asking you to phone them because they have whatever you are after. They may do this here or they may more often use the private message features. If the latter and you have the slightest doubt please report the message. Typically they may have messaged several users and consequently several reports will soon highlight the behaviour.

Trade/Sale Feedback Part 2


In what is turning out to be a short sharp shower of... uh... +1s for him, +1 for The Fat Git.

Cheers, buddy.
Catching up on a few things..

+1 to Firebreather
+1 to The Fat Git
+1 to Max Bialystock
+1 to Weazil
+1 to PantherV
+1 to Captain Crooks
+1 to Cheetor

Many thanks to all the fellas above, much appreciated :grin:
+1 Willmark for being a great buyer...

+1 keckmatt for your purchase...

+1 Galadrin for the transaction...

Timely responses and prompt payment from all. :)