TheOttoVonBismark's Oldhammer Slann WIP

Clear Resin shields sounds like it would be good in theory - I think that clear plastic heels will be a idea we will explore together in the Venator project 8-) . I went with filing down one of the Tau crisis suit shield generators in the end as it gives me a techno looking shield which I will free hand a nice Slaztec design onto at a later date.
Nearly finished unit champion or hero for the Eagle Warriors. Metallic paints for the suit on the heirloom technology on this the most senior of the totem warriors. I will do a freehand design on the shield later on when I base him.




Thanks guys!

This man is my muse for Slann colour scheme planning. Those colours should be impossible, but it happened:

High Warrior Priest?:

Spawn Band Call Leader?:

Mage Priest?

Slann Musician with "Cougar" Totem Warrior? - Edit: this is actually Cher ironically!


No doubt he would love your eagle warrior leader. He is somehow the missing link between Slann and Slaanesh (I know noisemarines are inspired by glamrock/speed metal bands but this guys just beats them all)
I'm feeling weird just by looking at the second photo for more than 2 seconds... :shock:


Like I said on the blog, what I like most is the look of strange metal on both weapon and shield and how it makes his colar look like a part of an ancient spacesuit. there's an astronaut look in him I like a lot (because of the background).
The Jaguar Warriors are I think more suited (awful pun not intended) to looking like Aincient Astronauts. I think the model will afford better conversion options and am looking forward to working on them. They are the weakest of the totem warrior options (they should function like elite light infantry as scouts perhaps) but are the funkiest looking totem warriors by far and so are definitely going to make an appearance in my army.

Here are some from Erny's Place:

They scream "space suit" to me. I might have some fun and do an Apollo program version as a unit champion as a long winded but deeply humorous piece later on. Doing something like that may seem like a waste of effort but it can be useful as it allows me to have fun with the concept and try out some conversion stuff that might never get put on any other model in the army - then again some of the ideas from the funny champion might stick!


Beautiful. :mrgreen:

The spatters of paint/dye(?) on the bases are a nice touch. I wish they weren't all the same pose, though the individual colour schemes break things up nicely.


A real lesson to be learnt from this, the bases, weapons and shields are enough to do the job to link all these tasty... I mean very nice looking frogs. Sonce Th emost colourful frogs in nature are said to be the most dangerous, this unit with the martial unified pose and all the colours fthe rainbow really looks tough (and if you think of it , making frogs look tough is quite an achievement). For this unit, the monopose aspect is more an asset than a drawback since it enhances the martial aspect I think.
I hope to see more of their companions.


Beautiful job! Really gives the vibrant colour feel I associate with tree frogs.

Do the shield remind anyone else of the old elctronic 'Simon Says' game?
Now that you mention it:


I did own one of these as a child. Perhaps it affected me deeper than I thought :o

Thanks for the +ve comments all. The monopose is unavoidable without extensive surgery due to the fact that they only sclupted one Eagle Warrior model (it was either Trish or Aly, I suspect it was Trish as she seemed to be the best at beasties). There is, as Asslessman pointed out, a certain martial feel to them striking the same pose so I don't feel that a unit of them en masse looks too bad. When the musician and standard bearer are in the front rank it will mitigate against cookies. Now that I am more confident about how to work with the figure I can go to town on the hacking and resculpting and come up with some nice animated poses much like the unit champion.

The next thing I will do with the Slann is to finish painting up the small unit of 5 Jungle Braves/Scouts. I should fly through them relative to the EW's. I also really want to get that Mage/Pskyer painted finally! I am planning to use them in a series of games with Cheetor (using 2ndEd/Necromunda/RT mashup rules) at the end of the month and so the pressure is on to get a mixed 40k/WHFB warband finished for it.

PS The bases are just sand painted and drybrushed to get a fairly extreme highlight. Little toadstools and tiny frogs on the bases would be awesome - I might do just that later but for now I should focus on bulking out the frogs.


Excellent looking Eagle warriors.

I like the way the chainsword ties in with the ordinary warriors Macuahuitls. The different coloured flesh tones and feather-work very well. The re-postioning of the heroes stance is well done, as are his subtle differences in his paint scheme.

Great work, I will be very interested to see how the rest of the army and the scouts turn out.
I'm planning to re-visit my Slann army later in the year, so might borrow a couple of your painting and modelling ideas :)
Goblinlee":y2mt4hxw said:
Excellent looking Eagle warriors.

I like the way the chainsword ties in with the ordinary warriors Macuahuitls. The different coloured flesh tones and feather-work very well. The re-postioning of the heroes stance is well done, as are his subtle differences in his paint scheme.

Great work, I will be very interested to see how the rest of the army and the scouts turn out.
I'm planning to re-visit my Slann army later in the year, so might borrow a couple of your painting and modelling ideas :)

Cheers Goblinlee, borrow away! I dare say 2014 will see a lot more Slann and their ilk painted than has been seen in many years. Forgot to add that the champion needs a good device on the shield, perhaps an eagle dare I say.


I know this may be going a tad too far but now you've launched the idea, I have an idea where this :


With a fistful of handlers (with panpipes) and 40mm bases would make perfect "animal handlers"
Yes this is the definition of too far....and look at Liberace for 20 seconds....and now it seems OK again.

It might work if I can get them to count as saber tooth tigers and mount them on cavalry 25 x 50 bases. I guess giant spiders/scorpions is a possible alternative as they are 40mm bases, not sure if they suit rules wise as much as the tigers would.