The Fimir of Albion - WIPS

Mr Saturday

Thanks indeed. The slime is glue, the cheaper the better. UHU twist & glue works well, but I found another one in my local shop from the 'what you need' range, the one that sells things like picture hooks, locks, string etc. The thing that this glue has is it seems a little more elastic than UHU, and a little more sturdy when dry.

Mr Saturday


That's right, I've made it to 2000 points. I can hardly believe I got this far. It's been a long project.

I kicked off this army in 2011 with a test model, the fimir from the old Heroquest game. I then wrestled with the conundrum of building human size fimm warriors, eventually having to make my own heads and a multitude of bits and green stuffery to make the fimm the way I wanted. In the end there were only seven models in the army that have not been converted.

I've had breaks from the project for months at a time, but it's been my main hobby project for nearly three years. This give you some indication of how slow I am at this. It's been really fun though, I've had the notion to do a fimir army for years, and now they're ready to go to war.

Of course, this is only the beginning...




That army looks stunning all laid out! It was three years well spent. I hadn't realized just how much of the army you'd had to convert or make yourself. It certainly does the Fimir justice!


Ive seen these grow across a few different forums, simply amazing stuff, they look awesome as an army together. :grin:

I really like the themed undead unit, such a great idea - very atmospheric and unique.

The blue celtic style tattoos and the freehand on the banner are nice touches too.


While they're not black, I remain curious: are the dogs inspired by the legend of Black Shuck (which is something I was going to draw on for my own army - if so darn you and your time machine AGAIN!)

Brilliant, amazing, inspiring work. On the one hand it makes starting work on my own fimir really daunting. On the other hand it makes me want to really get going with it!

Mr Saturday

Thanks very much everyone, it's great getting the army to a playable level. @Lenihan, Shuck is the leader of the hounds! I'll be swapping out a hounds for two models on 25x25 bases later on, the pack leader (shuck) and a human handler.

Just John

I wish there was a handclapping Icon. Well done sir, its been a pleasure to watch them grow into an army. Now I challenge you to a fight. Dawn. 3rd Ed. Fimir vs Halflings. In a few years :grin:

Mr Saturday

I accept. Halflings are good, you can fit two or three in a single sack. I need to paint up some larger fianna fimm if I'm gonna get my 3rd ed on.

Mr Saturday

Cheers Fimm.

A little update. The fimir picked up best painted warhammer army at NWG at the weekend, so one is most pleased. You can read a tournament report here if you are so inclined.



Great painting, great bases, great awards. Well played.
Love those dogs ... I have some of those and never thought to do anything with them but they look really good.
Congrats on the painting awards although I am sure getting your vision realised so nicely into army form after so much work is more satisfying a reward.

Mr Saturday

I am sure getting your vision realised so nicely into army form after so much work is more satisfying a reward

Absolutely. It's been a project rambling about in my head long before it came into existence. Awards are nice too though.