The Cult Grows


Following on from the Rolling up from Realms of Chaos (done in a topic here:

While starting with a Warband to work as allies, I've been having a bit of fun and stuff has been expanding.. some was already part of the plan where some has come later and seams interesting. I would say I have a playful side so I'm not giving away some details until certain amount is done but here I'll post images and the 'fiction' for my little growing Chaos fantasy Cult. Not everything is original to me, I'll say about bits, but things are expanding from an interesting small start.

First up is ArAr, Chaos Champion.
I hope to have better images sometime. maybe when I've got some more (also I move remove the name on the base cause I'm sure I normally put them on the back of the base not the front.. so I'll have to redo it..). I'll post her 'bio' backstory in a follow up post under this one, but first talk about the figure.

The main figure is, and I had to look, a Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Thrower loader from about 2003. I had her in a job lot I had a while back without her sword or head. Following on from the rolling up, she has a double handed axe as a weapon, so I found I had a metal axe from.. I don't know what. The very tip which you can't really see in this photo might be a bit of flash but It worked and appeared a bit weird without it so I left it.. might have also been slightly tweaked on the blade part.. I decided to leave it with the Sword Hilt making an interesting weapon. She is more brandishing it then holding it for combat. I didn't see a decent way to remove the bolt without her arm just being weird, So I added a little resin Skull I had, with a more flayed painting style to be decoration then anything else. you can just see a rat peaking out from behind her, this is a 5/6ed plastic rat from a Skaven spue I think.. Got a bunch of loose 5ed Skaven stuff, and some other in a cheap lot and good for some bits. She didn't role a familiar so it's decoration. The head is a plastic Female modern day Zombie from the 'Zombie Vixens' set done by.. oh, I forget. I added a pony tail from a Dark Eldar plastic and since she rolled up large incisors I did a passable job at adding them. The Female head had her mouth wide open, so it works since the teeth are meant to be soo big she can't close her mouth. The Colour scheme (Green, White/grey with Red Triming) is one I came up for for her God, who also gave her the name as part of her gifts. Not too much more to say on the figure I think.. He doesn't have the symbol of her god because.. while I've kinda worked it out, the only places I was happy about putting it wouldn't really show up, making it pointless.

Fimm McCool

A good ol' bitz box raid eh? Lovely stuff. Chortling a bit at the thought of her trying to bark orders to her motley crew through giant gnashers. "Ase eh, ing eh owh" "what boss?" "Agnamit!!!"


The Story of ArAr
On a rainy night in a medium sized southern Empire town, a cloaked figure rang from shelter to shelter as he headed towards one of them any Taverns in the town. In his hand was a wrapped bundle. The Assassin had been hired by the landlord of the severed spine and had given him far more information then he wanted. As a rule, he demanded only what the job was and how much the client was willing to pay, but this landlord had just wanted to talk far too much. It appeared that he had been quite busy under his wife's nose, quiet literately it seams as he had been screwing one of his barmaids in the cellar while she was in the tavern. The barmaid had not only become pregnant but had the nerve to stand up to her boss and leave, taking the unborn child with her. He wanted a son, and his wife was baron. This wasn't why he had the affair with the maid, if a one-sided affair would be called such, but when it happened, he knew it was the son he always wanted. So he had decided to hire the assassin. Someone to hunt her down, once she had given birth, kill her, and take his son back to him. He could find a way to explain the child to his wife, maybe as a foundling that he would raise as his own. He even had the name lined up. The same name as Landlords of the severed spine had had for generations, Archibald.

The Assassin did his job well and the pay was good enough, even for the long story. Who knows, maybe it would pay off later if he needed to blackmail the landlord. Blackmail wasn't his normal line of work but it could pay off pretty nicely if how much he was being paid was any judge. He delivered the child and took his leave. The landlord introduced little Archibald to his wife and arranged for it to be official. He never thought for a second to check under the child's nappy. When his wife explained it to him, it was too late. Little Archibald was clearly a girl to them, but surely he could hide it from others. When the child finally started to grow, he became less and less interested in it as he came to the conclusion that even if he treated her as a son, she would never be one. She was banished to the Cellar, working as unpaid labour. She had been raised as a boy and as still stuck wearing the clothes of one, encase anyone saw her, which few did. At times, she would look out of the cellar window at the children who would play in the nearby alleys and her hatred of her 'parents' grew more and more.

One day, while she was allowed in the bar to help with a particularly rowdy crowd of adventurers, she had an idea and it didn't much to get the group into a fight. The Dwarf threw his axe at the elf, the Wizard cast a fireball towards the advancing barbarian, who was swinging his sword through the air. Alcohol, fire and wood don't mix well and it wasn't long before the tavern was aflame. The landlord and his wife had somehow become trapped inside while the fire raged and by the time anyone came to help put out the fire, they were found dead, apparently from the smoke and fire. No-one looked close enough to notice the knife slits.

Homeless but now free, Archibald wandered the streets, trying to figure out what to do next. She had revenge she wanted but he wanted more. She hungered for battle and the feeling she had watching the fight and killing her so-called parents. Still under the guise of being male for reasons of safety and rank, she ended up joining a local regiment of the army. The smell of the battle and the feeling of combat drove her on in greater and greater conflicts as she rose up the ranks, becoming a Graf. She enjoyed the battles but it wasn't enough for her.

Finally, her regiment was sent to battle at the world's end mountains when they were ambushed. A rival had set up her to die, in order to get her out of the way. Her regiment was heavily outnumbered as they were picked off, leaving her in a pool of mud and blood. She could feel the life leaving her, but she didn't want it to end. She had fought too much for too long for it to end before she was able to find what she truly wanted. Revenge hadn't brought it to her, and fighting for her country and showed her it wasn't enough and in the end, had lead to betrayal and death.

She closed her eyes and was able to give up when she heard a squeak. Among the corpses of her former allies, a swarm of rats gathered. So, her final end would not come from blood loss, but from the teeth of these vermin. It was not the ending she wanted, but then she had never planned on any ending. As the group came closer, a form appeared behind them. Much too large for a rat, or even a human, the giant appeared. But it wasn't a giant. The outline showed horns and wings..., clearly some chaos beast was approaching, but from where? they were some days ride from the Chaos wastes and there enemy had been hired Orcs, nor any pawn of Chaos. As her mind started to drift and slow, she heard it talk to her in a stuttered high pitched voice. It promised vengeance, it promised life, it promised hope. She had heard of the promises of Chaos, how it would find anyway to twist a person to it's own unknown goals with promises rarely delivered on, but why should she care? the Taint of chaos had always been in her breast since the moment of birth, when the Assassins blade had killed her mother, from who she was only just removed, as she screamed for a mercy which was denied her as much as it was when she was first raped by the landlord. No human had treated her well, why should she owe any loyalty to them? she had only been rewarded with rank because it suited the purpose of the lords to do so, as a tool to get them what they desire with no fought for her own will. If she swore loyalty to him, service until death and beyond, she would at least be better off then she was now. As long as she did not defy the will of her god, she would be free to peruse her own goals as never before, and find what truly would give her life meaning.

And as for him? He welcomed her with open arms, for a human with such a hatred for their fellow man was a worthy servant of the underground. He blessed her with many gifts and even a new name. Archibald had died and ArAr, servant of the Vermin, would glide through the undertunnels spread out over the world, no-longer needing to hide behind the guise of a male, and bring the humans to there knees.