Nearly finished the next 10, this time its some bowmen. I've been slowly amassing a nice collection of these 1st edition plastic skeletons and although a lot of them are still untouched by glue or paint sadly it can't be said for all. These bowmen came already glued and I have to say not the best posed but needs must. All that's left is to make bowstrings for them (I'm lacking in hair department so waiting on wife to assist me!).
Back row
Close up of only one with bowstring(hair) attached and painted
So plan is still the skull chukka next but also another batch of the all ready glued skellies. I've worked out that if i can salvage some of the damaged ones I've bought I should have enough for roughly 100 figures which should make for some nice large units
So been working though more plastic skeletons and decided I'd take a quick photo of how far I've come with the army. The bowmen are complete and all have bowstrings so can be added to the chariot and cavalry. The big block (35) of skeletons is coming along nicely, I have 1 more to paint and then its just lots of shields and a 3 skeleton command group to go.
So far I've mainly used the skeletons which were already glued by the previous owners. So with the ones still left on sprues I'm hoping to make another block of 35 plus some more cavalry and then if anything left over maybe another bow unit. On top of that I've got another metal chariot and skull chukka to paint and I'd like to get my hands on enough metal zombies for at least a 20 strong unit plus some of the lovely metal skeletons for a grim reaper unit. Oh and in the future I'd like to try and recreate the zombie dragon and hero by Richard Gunson seen in WD142 !!!
Painted up the skull chukka. Pretty straight forward paint job, my only real issue came with painting the wheels as I wasn't really sure what they are meant to be made from ? The box art has them painted grey so I'm guessing they've gone for rock ? I wasn't keen on that so it was either wood or more bone, decided on bone for this one and may go for wood on second. Hope you like
Next job is to complete the big block of skeletons which means the command group plus going to have to make a tonne of shields and then paint them which I'm not looking forward too !
I am way way way behind on this forum, but I believe I saw some of this at BOYL, correct? Your army looked even better in person than in pictures. Great project!