After 30 long months, I'm done with the units I set out to paint for this project. When I look back at my goals I think I succeeded and I've really enjoyed being back in the hobby. There's a little bit of tidying up on some models and I need to do the banners properly but, other than that, the core of the army is complete. The last things I did were the organ gun and a wizard and standard bearer.
The picture of the whole army is a bit of a jumble, but hopefully you get the idea.
I have a few more units to expand on this- pikes, thunderers, gyrocopter, more artillery, miners etc but the next thing on the list is to paint up the HeroQuest heros as I started playing that with some friends recently. Then it's back to dwarfs with a 2nd edition Blood Bowl team, tentatively called The Rovers of Albion (or the 'Wee Rovers'). I'll probably create a new WIP thread for that as it helps with motivation and everyone on the board is very kind and supportive of my efforts